Jun 27Liked by epimetheus

I am hoping that Italy will have its own Brexit. I will be voting for Quitaly.

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EU is an imperial monster! Empire architected EU for direct rule over European countries through profoundly undemocratic governing structures Empire controls directly. They dispensed with typical Western ideas of federalism, subsidiarity principle, etc. They are getting rid of these here in the US, as well. They are chipping away at the constitutional framework at high velocity. They won’t stop until there is nothing left. Of course, to make us all more secure, more sustainable, more free!

Empire is being guided by its long term goals which engendered a strategy from which it does not deviate. They are flexible on tactical adjustments only, depending on how much or how little resistance it encounters from the brainwashed populations. These populations do not even discern the Empire, let alone the Omniwar Empire is waging on all vassal nations’ populations. If you cannot see the war the enemy is waging against you how can you possibly win the war? What war?! ;-(

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I just watched a few moments of T. Carlson's recent Q&A in Australia: the cognitive dissonance is palpable.

As to your point, well, it's an old story; in fact, perhaps the second-oldest story (the oldest perhaps being love):

'You know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.'

There's literally nothing to add to Thucydides.

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