Vax harder! This seems to be the only answer people like Drosten can come up with, even though he anticipates the emergence of variants against which the vaccines will not be effective? Meanwhile he completely ignores the even simplest measures that would help reduce the severity of disease, things like making sure people have adequate vitamin D levels (impossible in winter in Germany without supplements) and getting fat people to lose weight. Also no mention of early treatment. OK, I understand that they'll never admit that HCQ and IVM might be useful; they would lose too much face, but what about fluvoxamine? They haven't invested any energy into dismissing that yet. Then there are also the monoclonal antibody treatments. Look at what happened to the death rate in Florida since treatment with monoclonal antibodies became widely accessible there: The seven-day moving average of deaths is currently: Three. This is in a state of 22 million people that's been open since June of 2020, and hasn't had any restrictions in over a year. In fact, the State is somewhere between discouraging and actually prohibiting restrictions and mandates.

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Hi UM Ross,

I agree with you, esp. the example of Florida, however, facts as you and I understand it don't play much, if any, role in this weird world these days. As regards the HCQ/IVM issue, I do think--with the benefit of hindsight, of course--that the emphasis on these two drugs was a kind of tactical mistake: there's plenty of early treatment options that don't include these two drugs, but still, your point stands.

You know, I'm in "Europe", and the main difference is: here, gov'ts are actually promulgating legal crap (pardon my French) to ensure this is all going to be correctly done, whereas in the US, there's much more freedom of action, relatively speaking, when it comes to states rights.

This isn't an answer, more like a comment, but I hope this will do as an reply?

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Yes, I'm aware you're in Europe. I'm originally from Germany myself, but have lived here in the USA for more than a few decades now, with many business connections and until recently, fairly regular travel back to the Fatherland. My European friends think I'm too American, and my American friends think I'm too German -- LOL

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