May 25Liked by epimetheus

If you want it, I have a test for any such authors as those of the article you vivisected.

It's easy. Just ask them if they think everyone should be paid the same no matter their job, skill or effort.

Their convictions will evaporate like morning dew in Sahara.

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May 25Liked by epimetheus


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My take is--of course.

The (post)modern West is actually a caricature of what Marx et al., in the 19th century, called 'oriental despotism': a figurehead/ruler supported by an utterly dependent bureaucracy. Worked like a charm in the USSR of old, and now it's coming to us in full force.

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May 25Liked by epimetheus

Because they know what’s best for you…

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Always have, always will--because they have 'History™' on their side, they claim.

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Oligarchical servants do whatever the oligarchy desires. Oligarchy’s directives never sleep. They want a different world and they are relentless in pursuing it. People no longer count. We are already in dystopia; they are taking us into some sort of turbo charged hyper tech dystopia. Only a critical mass of people who are aware of the true nature of their Rulers can put a stop to this. Otherwise we will continue marching on the current course. Enslavement and death awaits. Judging by our individual and collective failure with KOVID psy-op, I am skeptical we are capable of changing the course, but I am well aware that an inflection point can surprise us all. Therefore, today I remain cautiously optimistic. Tomorrow is another day. ;-)

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