Australia's domestic pandemic laws are so bad they already allow for *legal* forced injection by military and police not to mention indefinite quarantine in massive camps in the desert. People have already died in these facilities. They're also passing more firearms laws rendering us defenceless.

The WHO would be Australia's liberators at this point.

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Just a sec--none of these politicos, journos, and WHO gangstas give a rat's ass about 'the letter of the law'. This is the lesson of the WHO-declared, so-called 'Pandemic™'.

WHO coming as 'liberator' would be a bit like inviting the abuser to your bedroom, if you'd ask me.

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They (police, politicians) definitely care about the letter of the law, that is why they have crafted all these Emergency powers and Health Acts so they can legally murder, force inject, etc.

'WHO' does not have an army or military and relies on domestic laws to carry out their actions.

Who will come to my door? Local police and military not the WHO.

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Fair point; problem is, WHO will provide the 'guidelines'…

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Yes, truly an unholy alliance.

See Katherine Watt for an explanation about this - she has articles about WHO 'misdirectors.'

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I would ask such people the same question I asked here (of politicians and urinalists and pundits) when they wanted to have lockdowns and house-arrest for people during Covid:

"Are you going to use police and/or military to prevent moslems from gathering in their mosques?"

It's a very useful question, in this regard. If a bacterium/virus is so dangerous any gathering of people except for acquisition of bare necessities must be banned and prevented with force - then mosques must be stopped from holding Friday prayers.

And we all know how moslems would react to that, and so does the authorities, and therefore they experience cognitive dissoance when asked, since two values come into unresovlable conflict.

It also sets up anyone opposing the capitalist-medico-fascist oligarchy to say:

"Well, when I see you using armed police preventing moslems from gathering, then I'll believe you".

Which they would never dare to do, because it would cost them money and power both. And as said, cognitive dissonance ensues, which if it isn't resolved serves to break their minds.

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Hands down, and without a doubt--this is the best possible course of action (in combination with asking about the legal foundations while pointing to the illegal adoption as outlined above).

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Empire never sleeps.

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Of course not.

Also, let's give it a few months and check back with them. If past experience is any guide, it won't be long before we learn…

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Of course they did. They were always going to. There are so many rich and powerful people in control, we the multitude did not have a hope - Their Human rubbish: xxxNatural mRNA DNA is the key to Heaven and all life forms on this planet were born with that key. ModRNA DNA is synthetic patented and created in a laboratory and once injected with it, as a vaccine, according to The US Supreme Court Law with World Wide Applications 2013, the Human body is changed to Trans Human after 6 hours from injection according to a Swedish Study and according to that Law, Trans Humans are a new species from 2020 and zero Rights have been written into Law for them, so they have the same Rights as black slaves, prior to the end of your US Civil War 1864, now.

The problem I see is that ModRNA DNA is not natural to nature and does not provide the key to Heaven when the vaccinated die - how can it - so their Souls don't return to Heaven and Heaven is emptying of Souls to be born in kids, who are dying in the womb or soon after birth, because they no longer have a Spirit or Soul to make them work after being born - it is how it is.

If interested, read the story on my substack about the boy who could remember his last life as a snake.

Not only are these vaccines deliberately exterminating our species, but also wherever our Spirit or Soul goes to, after we die and since that is not "our" Heaven, but somewhere else, there is no "coming back" ever again - and - there is no escape, once vaccinated from your eventual death, then you will find out wherever your Spirit goes and from a few who have foreseen where that is, they appear to have been terrified - thank your politicians, the people you put into politics for that, starting with Trump, the "Father Of Vaccines" as he proudly calls himself, although he has never been seen to have one, he who signed the supply contracts to last to 2027, Biden who picked up with them after Trump and the Banks and the Elite behind this extermination of us "Human Garbage", deliberately and for a reason. Best thing you can do is inject them with their vaccines and hang onto them for 6 hours afterwards, to give their vaccines time to go past their Blood Brain Barrier into the inner workings of their bodies, where it can't be removed and they get the same fate as you, rather than deriding you as they exterminate you, without any come back on therm at all. Better a new species inhabits our world after our species is extinguished, than these evil bastards.

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