No petrol or diesel vehicles, eh? Time for contrarians to go all-in on woodgas and ye olde Dampkraftwagen!

Neither of which can release more CO2 than the fuel used absorbed while growing, so not only are their emissions "climate neutral", they're even more environ-mental than electrical cars.

You'd think our cousins to the west would learn from this years outright disaster with electrical snow-plows this winter. 1 hour plowing at best, 4 hours or more charging.

While a diesel, petrol or woodgas or even a bloody steam-engine from the 19th century work better!

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Amen to that, my friend.

Curiously, in the rural valley where I live, no-one who works outdoors (such as my farmer-neighbours) drives EVs.

Funniest issue about it, just think about how much virtue-signalling can be done by driving an EV, if only one discounts child labour (just look up 'cobalt mines congo', for example), quite likely forced, while feeling smug about these 'Climate Nazis'.

In case you're wondering about the Nazi reference, that's not me, it's coming to us courtesy of Austria's Green Party (currently in government):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9lggmpCBJg (clip in German, though)

Their 'argument' boils down to this: the Nazis were fans of automobiles, hence everyone who drives (the wrong kind of) a car these days is, in the inescapable logic of 'The Simpsons', of course 'worse than Hitler'.

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That's Peak Godwin almost.

In Sweden, the forces of Good(tm) have for some 15 years harped a line: "Det är rena trettiotalet!". Meaning: "That/It's pure 30s!". It was of course co-opted as a meme of the opposition, pointing out the many similarities between the green parties and their climate fascist and islamic agenda. They really hate having the similarities between modern green parties and the original NSDAP program made public.

Probably why they, when presented with ideas from there or from Mein Kampf, always comes out in favour of those.


"An trio of academics submitted several arguably nonsensical papers to feminist and gender studies publications as a hoax to prove the weakening of discipline in the world academia. None may stand out more, though, than their use of Mein Kampf ideas in one of their papers and its acceptance. Our Ariel Levin-Waldman has the story."

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Oh, yes, I remember this.

My eternal personal favourite is Peter Boghossian's 'Conceptual Penis' paper:


Enjoy ^-^

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will be fun to watch the cars light up on fire as Earth's magnetosphere continues to get weaker. and the dropping is not linear.

Now even smaller solar flares can slap humanities foolish attempt to electrify everything at this point in time. But I guess it's a feature so you can not move away further south if the northern electrical grid gets fried by the true solar power.

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A friend of mine works for a huge company manufacturing these batteries; he works on the transformer unit because EV batteries use D/C, but the engines requires A/C; I'm unsure about the electricity coming out of charging stations, but I'd suspect that, like the regular sockets, they're A/C as well.

Driving a diesel-powered car himself, he told me that current EV models are certainly far from safe and effective, citing esp. firefighters and first responders who don't really know what to do if your EV catches on fire. So far, their way of addressing this 'feature' of EVs is to let the vehicle burn out, perhaps putting it somewhere in a 'tub' to ensure the toxic chemicals don't leak into the ground.

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LOL! No will be living in Oslo 2025!

I kind of like the idea of a back to the land movement. :-)

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whoever chooses that path will be on the lucky side of history

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