Jun 16Liked by epimetheus

Whilst going down one of my rabbit holes, I saw some photos from 1930s of German soldiers, apparently in antartica, standing with artifacts found there, which indicated a civilisation once there. The artifacts were made of stone, if I recall correctly, with images of palm trees and the sun. Another revelation on this website was a short film, less than a minute, of someone standing in a small craft, circular shape, like a big tin can, person's top half body visible. This craft took off vertically, then did a couple of manoevers in a circular fashion, a few metres in the air, before coming down. There was no sound on the video. A colder climate would indeed cause shorter growing seasons.

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Huhum, well, I don't know anything about Antarctica, but there were some pretty strange people on the Shawn Ryan Show recently who also spoke about it.

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Jun 16Liked by epimetheus

One thing is certain if a rapid-onset Ice Age, mini or not, is happening:

Migration to the North will stop. The southern nations will then refuse northeners to move south, possibly including expats and offspring of expats.

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What means 'rapid'?

Migration won't stop, because most migrants aren't moving 'north' for climatic reasons.

None of these changes will play out fast enough for humans to act upon in that fashion, I'd suspect.

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Meeting the UN climate cult's goal of lowering the mean and average yearly temperature by two degrees centigrade would be enough for glaciers to form down to the 55th parallel North, and if they somehow manage to drop the temperature that much, we're talking an onset measured in decades.

I'm basing this in part on all other policies in effect today staying the same - which means there's not enough energy, too little agriculture, and no ability to help in the southern nations, them having lots of troubles of their own too.

Call it a worst case-scenario.

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