The problem in Covidistan is the fact that a lot of „friends“ of the government earn A LOT of money with the whole testing strategy (and masks, btw). The newly created „PCR gargle testing“ branch is a cash cow. Vienna started with gargle tests last year and - oh, how strange! - no antigen tests are allowed in Vienna anymore. You have to …
The problem in Covidistan is the fact that a lot of „friends“ of the government earn A LOT of money with the whole testing strategy (and masks, btw). The newly created „PCR gargle testing“ branch is a cash cow. Vienna started with gargle tests last year and - oh, how strange! - no antigen tests are allowed in Vienna anymore. You have to be PCR tested in order to be able to go to work or the doctor’s. There was a scandal (what else?) regarding the bidding process for the gargle tests - as there was no official request for tender. A friend (we guess) from the Viennese mayor Ludwig has „won“ the bid - he (and bis company, LeadHorizon or Lifebrain) was the only candidate. I have also heard that his company does not even have a valid EU certification, but I am too tired to verify this. The corruption makes me sooo damn tired… (One article from July 2021 about the scandal:
As other companies have „friends“ in local politics the companies which offer gargle PCR tests are now mushrooming all over Austria. That‘s absolutely fatal. In Vienna every unvaxxed employee has to test daily(!) in order to be allowed to go to work. In rest of Austria you need 3 PCR tests per week (or 1 antigen test per workday). Students from primary to upper secondary schools have to be either PCR tested 3 to 4 times a week or antigen tested every day. On „high season“ days Covidistan processes around 780.000(!!!) tests PER DAY! Up to date the whole testing program has cost us around 4,3 billion Euros. That‘s a helluva mountain of money for the „friends“ of our politicians 😎.
Is the screening program of any advantage for the inmates? Well, people get a well deserved „Genesen“ (recovered) certificate and some days of „quarantine holiday“ when tested positive. But most Covidistan inmates (including companies) are horrified by the testing as the necessary quarantines have the potential to destroy well established processes in companies, schools and healthcare institutions as the positive tested (but healthy) people have to stay at home (and there are tons of them at the moment). Our healthcare system is on the verge of overload, but not due to Corona.
The problem in Covidistan is the fact that a lot of „friends“ of the government earn A LOT of money with the whole testing strategy (and masks, btw). The newly created „PCR gargle testing“ branch is a cash cow. Vienna started with gargle tests last year and - oh, how strange! - no antigen tests are allowed in Vienna anymore. You have to be PCR tested in order to be able to go to work or the doctor’s. There was a scandal (what else?) regarding the bidding process for the gargle tests - as there was no official request for tender. A friend (we guess) from the Viennese mayor Ludwig has „won“ the bid - he (and bis company, LeadHorizon or Lifebrain) was the only candidate. I have also heard that his company does not even have a valid EU certification, but I am too tired to verify this. The corruption makes me sooo damn tired… (One article from July 2021 about the scandal:
As other companies have „friends“ in local politics the companies which offer gargle PCR tests are now mushrooming all over Austria. That‘s absolutely fatal. In Vienna every unvaxxed employee has to test daily(!) in order to be allowed to go to work. In rest of Austria you need 3 PCR tests per week (or 1 antigen test per workday). Students from primary to upper secondary schools have to be either PCR tested 3 to 4 times a week or antigen tested every day. On „high season“ days Covidistan processes around 780.000(!!!) tests PER DAY! Up to date the whole testing program has cost us around 4,3 billion Euros. That‘s a helluva mountain of money for the „friends“ of our politicians 😎.
Is the screening program of any advantage for the inmates? Well, people get a well deserved „Genesen“ (recovered) certificate and some days of „quarantine holiday“ when tested positive. But most Covidistan inmates (including companies) are horrified by the testing as the necessary quarantines have the potential to destroy well established processes in companies, schools and healthcare institutions as the positive tested (but healthy) people have to stay at home (and there are tons of them at the moment). Our healthcare system is on the verge of overload, but not due to Corona.