Txs a lot, I look forward for the next post with details on the answers. I don't read german language.

I completely agree with those analysis on the EU situation or whatever single state one.

The today answer from one of the worst criminal of EU, the actress Ursula von der Leyen, to immediately accept Ukraine in our already ridiculously unbalanced and anti democratic European Community just to obey to Washington's dictatorship, it's another coupe d'etat.

Don't think that just writing our point of views and trying, as you do very nicely, to counter inform people with facts and no propaganda, it's enough anymore...

Only a civil war inside Europe can change this Financial Neo Nazi management of private and States institutions.

I'm sure you red about Andreas Schöfbeck termination, there are no chance for political solutions anymore. The Neo Nazi has decided years ago for a war, a modern media one.

Maybe Putin, from his point of view and interests, did already understand that before deciding to move the troops.

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Caro Paolo, I'll get to the text, but it's super convoluted and very light on actual data (some visuals are there, though, but they are for show). I've also read about Schöfbeck's termination, and I'm quite certain that now, with more and more information about stuff that's esp. in the mRNA products coming out, the conflict in Ukraine is a very handy diversion for the Covid puppeteers.

Re the neo nazis: I could drone on about that for years, but it wouldn't mean a thing. There's so much evidence, but maybe I'll do a piece on 'whataboutism' to illustrate this.

As to the civil war point: I fear you're correct--as there's almost no country that's actually capable of projecting (enough) military force to conquer any area (see: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yugoslavia/Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine), civil war appears to be the logical outcome in terms of 'safety valve', wouldn't it?

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Yes, I fully agree the politicians should stand trial.

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