One thing that has surprised me is how bad and how incompetent every government in the western world is.

I thought there were good people around, but it is just a bunch of mediocrities without any out of the box thinking and not a single long term planning going on. I could understand this March or April 2020, but now is incredible.

We spent 2020 waiting for a vaccine, when they have never managed to make a proper functional vaccine against a coronavirus. There is absolutely no talk about early treatment anywhere. Not a single mention for people to get in shape, or D vitamin supplementation or anything.

I am just so disappointed.

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Agreed, on all accounts.

To me, I'm still a bit unsure what angers me more: the sheer and utter incompetence--or the absence of any talk about early treatment.

It's disappointing, of course, but I also see this as a clarion call to action: no more reliance on 'these experts' and the like. The only possible answer for any self-respecting person who actually takes his or her citizenship seriously is: self-government.

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I do not think this is just incompetence. I think it's the deliberate plan to inject everyone with that "thing", and the more their treatment fails, the more it becomes obvious, as they stopped sounding logical the moment it became clear the "vaccine" does not stop infection and transmission. In a normal world, all mandates would have ended then. Then it became clear it does nothing for omicron (and mandates still there), then half of population got omicron (and thus natural immunity), and mandates are still there. They literally have lost every argument to mandate vaccines, but just keep doubling down. I see it very similar to that recent story about a smallpox outbreak posted on Steven Kirsch's substack (the more the medical establishment's measures failed, the more they doubled down on them). They really HAVE to resort to force and coercion now if they want to vaccinate everyone, because otherwise no one (except some very scared) would take it. But I agree, there are many who are just stupid (just not the ones driving it).

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All fair and, above all, valid points, MaryJane.

Still, I propose to entertain the thought that the 'regular' political personnel--in Austria, Norway, and elsewhere--may really be that stupid/incompetent/looking at a plush 'job' after their political career expired. (Given the above-described politicos in Covidistan, I firmly believe my thesis so far to be 'true'.)

The same 'principle', I believe, applies to the medical establishment: I mean--who will believe his or her GP in the future, if any of them or, God forbid, 'even' the public health authorities, would admit to the collossal nature of this blunder.

We shall, thus, rightly look for the organisatorial perpetrators, the (presumably mostly men) behind the curtain.

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Oh, I agree, many are just useful idiots using the opportunity to advance their careers and enjoy their new-found power, incentivised by those evil at the top. Fools in the position of power can be very dangerous.

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Feb 17, 2022Edited
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Ha, that's something.

I'm sure that we must not underestimate the 'agency' of local useful idiots, as MaryJane (correctly, I daresay) calls them: receiving 'advice' is one thing, but actually following up on it, well, quite another.

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Unless mandates, emergency measures etc are completely removed now, they will return with a vengeance, in the Autumn as you say. There should be no complacency with trying to get these removed immediately.

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Same here: I see this all as a distraction, or sideshow, to placate the clearly angry masses now, tell them to partey in a summer like 2019, and lock 'em up anew come autumn.

This is no a time for complacency or gratitude. This is a time to restore civic rights--and duties. Let's not recede into apathy again, but let us work together to restore the republic (I know you're posting from the UK, and while I'm not getting into any of the pro-/anti-monarchy issues, by 'republic' I mean: active citizenship).

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I believe it was in their lockstep document, i.e. it will be a very long and gradual process (like a boa killing his victim), where a period of harsh measures will be followed by some loosening of them, then back to even harsher measures, etc, etc. We already see it (second summer of some relative freedom), and then back to more in fall. Also gives them time to re-group, see what went wrong, make corrections, buy more politicians, etc. ("Lessons learnt" stage)

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I agree, it was in this document.

As to 'practical' steps to be undertaken by any individual, I believe that everyone should endeavour his or her utmost to reduce reliance on 'government' and 'private-sector institutions' (mainly banks, via mortgage lending) as much as possible: use cash, get out of debt, if possible grow some food, store some dried and durable staples (flour, beans, peas, potatoes, rice), and delimit one's exposure to 'unexpected' and devastating price hikes (electricity/fossil fuels, gas/diesel) etc.

We do live in very interesting, if not entirely easy, times.

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Agree. I would also add to

not let our guards down and use this time preparing for their next steps and how to fight back, i.e. not to strike down just these mandates, but make sure it becomes illegal permanently.

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This is extremely important, thank you for pointing this out.

These two past years have seen many abuses, told and untold, but among the latter, the willful abolishment, on part of the public health and regulatory authorties, of all the checks, balances, and oversight in bio-medical research and development is perhaps among the more egregious consequences of 'Covid-19'. And we haven't even began to mention, no less discussed, all matters related to 'bio-ethics', which have similarly been thrown out the window.

It'll take decades to rebuild esp. the latter facet: you know, it's another '(public) health emergency in-the-making', hence let's waive all rules'.

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That is much appreciated, my friend, and I'm honoured that you found my piece worthy of your attention.

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Check out Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer's Corna Committees' findings regarding the current "Pandemic". They are presenting for the people in Grand Jury format (due to concerns about corruption of the Judiciary). https://odysee.com/@GrandJury:f/4-RF-Grand-Jury-1-EN:6

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Hi Janet,

I know of them and I very much appreciate what they're doing. Thank you for the link!

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It feels wrong to use the diagnostic terms for various mental illnessess as pejoratives for what is certainly conscious and purposeful decisions, but I lack other terms more fitting than Personality Disorder: Cluster B-type and delusional schzophrenia with psychotic episodes to describe what the rules and regulations referred above looks like objectively.

So just for "fun" and headbut the nail so to speak - an austrian citizen could go out at night for drinks and dancing, then continue on to a nightclub and party until the cock crows (including foam parties, leather bars with darkrooms, legal brothels and "massage" parlours?) but cannot go to the post office unless having all papers in order?

And I thought our governement was led by a Precentor Stultorum, but your politicians really take the cake and runs away with it.

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Ah, you know, my friend, every people gets the government they deserve, as far as the saying goes, isn't it? (I'm unsure, though, if anyone 'deserves' this level of absurdity, but then again, karma is a bitch, isn' it?)

As to the fun part you alluded to, yep, that seems about right. Now, please be nice to your gov't, but you may, of course, bring up the 'like-mindedness' the Austrian salespeople abroad typically relate to when they talk about the Nordics and them (they are based in Stockholm, by the way, if you'd like to Goebbels it: go for 'Advantage Austria').

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What they can turn on; they can turn off; turn on; and so on. And now they know they can do so at will.

People don't look behind the headlines.....don't connect the dots.

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This is why I started writing and publishing here!

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That seems to be the goal. If you follow Edward Dowd, he thinks they put this system in place to deal with social unrest due to the upcoming financial crisis (the real one, where they stole pensioners money). They prepare to manage rage

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Are they still going to hire people to hunt the unvaccinated?

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Hard to say, and I haven't seen anything about it in the media as of late. I may as well check this out and get back to you, though.

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The paycheck looked quite alright, some 2 200 euros paid out 14 times/year if I remember the article in Blick correctly.

Sad to say, here in Sweden people would do it for free. We actually have people volunteering to go snooping at dumping sites and recycling stations, for free on their own spare time, taking pictures in secret and then anonymously alerting council authorities.

Who can then fine the offenders without any process, or giving the alleged offender any chance of appeal.

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Yep, you did, and I also mentioned this sometime ago, but I haven't seen anything about it recently, but I shall look.

Relatedly, as to the fining/appeals procedures, many state bureaucracies are looking at the new legislation and calculate that they'd need many more employees to actually deal with the prospective number of appeals.

You see, much like in Scandinavia, once you filed an official document, authorities *must* respond within a certain number of weeks (4, iirc, but I may be wrong), and once filed officially, there's no escaping this.

First estimates from the state of Styria (with roughly 1.25m inhabitants) mentioned they'd expecting at least 100,000 appeals alone this year, 2022, which I think is certainly an under-estimate, for there's about twice that number of 'unvaccinated' in this state.

Mind you, this would be one state out of nine (with an appox. 70% injection uptake rate), and while the eight other states have, of course, difference uptake and population rates, I think that a fair national number will be upwards of at least 500,000 appeals per year (nationally, uptake of at least 1 injection is close to 76% of the entire resident population--or 6,786,859 people--which means c. 80%% of those eligible). Austria has almost 9m inhabitants, so I'd also add that half a million appeals per year is certainly a very conservative estimate.

Hence, other states are also looking at hiring new administrators to deal with the anticipated flood of paperwork.

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If you happen to hear a sound like that a woodpecker makes, that's my head meeting the wall due to the sheer stupidity of it all.

I think I'll have to re-read Svejk to remember the proper mindset to deal with this.

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It seems like the ÖVP is trying to do the same trick as the Social Democrats successfully did in Sweden: Kick out the Greens from the government and then blame everything on them.

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Well, the ÖVP is the Black Widow of Austrian politics, so there's nothing 'new' here. The thing that I still find curious, though, is the allure of government positions. I mean: the Greens must have thought about these shitty tricks before the entered gov't, but I'm honestly not sure about it.

Be that as it may, the parallels are certainly uncanny.

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Ah, i guess that the Greens in Austria didn’t think about the shitty tricks of the ÖVP for just a second. They seem to be a fake liberal party that is completely blinded by their greed for power. We have already seen this as the Greens entered the city government in Vienna several years ago. In a second they have forgotten their entire party manifesto and morphed from an environmentalism party into a brutal conservative party.

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Feb 17, 2022
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Desperation, that's it--I think you're correct about it.

Re the 'need' for year flu jabs: I dunno; I never got one, and, truth be told, after reading Kennedy's book, I'm quite sure I'm not gonna take any more jabs in the future.

I'm glad you like the guano reference. Speaking of bird poop, is there a verb for that based on 'guano'?

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The new Project Veritas whistle-blower from the FDA was saying just that - they want to mandate the annual vaccine

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