Let's not forget although the vaccine mandate law enters tomorrow into effect, there is an intial grace period of 6 weeks. I'm giving it two weeks for these essential data points as requested by the court to come out. Then it's over.

However, for me, the question remains whether they will rescind the law (unlikely?) or merely shelf it or opt not to enforce it. If they are forced to rescind it, that will be very big indeed and the Germany dominoe will topple too.

Incredibly, Germany's elites are still pushing for mandates, even going so far as to assert that it is preemptive against as yet unknown variants in preparatio for next autumn and winter. This is absurd delusional reasoning (which was widely supported in parliamentary debates!?).

The ever-growing protests (in size and quantity) can only be ignored for so long. I expect some truckers in Europe to take inspiration from their Canadian counterparts. I imagine government cabinets all over the world are watching Ottowa very carefully at the moment.

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Truckers worldwide are already organizing themselves in various Telegram groups ☺️.

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You know, I've gained an enormous amount of respect for the trucking profession.

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"Incredibly, Germany's elites are still pushing for mandates, even going so far as to assert that it is preemptive against as yet unknown variants in preparatio for next autumn and winter."

The variants thing is fascinating. If there really is a scary new variant in the fall, then obviously, these Wuhan-spikes that they insist on injecting everyone with (actually, they don't even inject you with them, but get your own cells to sprout them, but I digress) won't do much to help. Why do they insist on injecting people with stuff that's so out of date? It just doesn't make any sense. But hey, silly me, expecting them to actually make sense.

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Well, this is what happens throughout history if a 'true believer' such as Mückstein, Lauterbach (German 'health' minister), and their ilk are put anywhere near positions of power.

Historically, such manias were always comparativly short-lived, but typically rather deadly. I take it that the current bout of lunacy is equally so, esp. if you'd look at excess mortality. For now, it remains quite hidden from the public's eye, but you cannot hide, you know, lots of people dying from all-causes forever.

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In contrast to Canada, truckers in Germany are rarely self-employed. If they take the exit to Berlin, they will get into trouble with their employers. I suspect the situation is similar in other European countries.

The one group of people that would be able to exercise some power in this regard is farmers.

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As to your first point: well taken, that is true. Most truckers in the EU are close to what used to be called debt peonage, or chattel slavery: they are (in part temp.) employees of large transnational conglomerates, such as Kralowetz, which employs many 'Eastern Europeans' to truck stuff across the continent.

Why Easterners? Well, minimum salaries are much lower, in fact, as low as 2.5€ (in Romania, according to Eurostat), and for these 'employers'--better: robber barons--the EU with its in-built labour mobility clause is like manna from heaven.

As to the farmers, yes, they could, and they are a quite typical sight in Brussels (think: French people with pitchforks), but their share of the population is negligible, I'm afraid. I think that the current hike in energy prices--40% in January in Austria--might make people realise that this isn't good, but I further fear that most will not realise this before the insane-because-politically engineered energy prices are ripping apart grocery store prices.

Until, and unless, the self-righteous people in the media don't talk about this, the 'vaccinated' majorities won't join such protests, but I fear by then it might be too late (but I'd love to be wrong about it).

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The "Achse des Guten" reported on the questionnaire:


And they republished a piece by Christian Veber on BioNTech stock:


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...and they forwarded the questionnaire to the RKI:


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Where did the Court's interest arise from? Just spontaneously or some kind of judicial review?


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I guess the judge who composed the letter worked on behalf of our one single opposition party (right wing FPÖ) which stands against the vaxx mandate and other mandates. I don’t think that the other judges share his viewpoint 😒. The issue with our Supreme Court is that the judges are recommended by our government… And as you probably know our government has not been a very honorable and honest one for a a lot of years.

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