They have lifted the lockdown for unvaxxed. BUT 2G rules keep in place 😂😂😂. Means that we are allowed to legally go outside now. But we still cannot participate in social life. That‘s so ridiculous. Well, at least we are now allowed to re-enter the country after vacation without mandatory quarantine. Yeah! Sweden, here I come, I will visit you soon! 😂

Another embarrassing detail: Two lawyers from the Netherlands have written an open letter to our Regime. They will sue Austria because the vaxx mandate breaks many EU rules. They will try to get Austria suspended from the EU. 😂😂 I am on the verge of a hysterical breakdown today - but in a good way. A healing way. Fascism is eating its children. Yepp, that seems to be true…

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Yep, I saw that 'lifting', and I'll comment on it before too long.

Would you mind sharing the link to lawyer piece?

For the record, I called for such a boycott back in mid-November, if you care to go down that particular rabbit-hole: https://fackel.substack.com/p/make-austria-a-pariah-again

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I have just read your text from mid-November - thanks for calling Austria out on this. A friend of mine who knows somebody working for the ORF as a contractor told her, that he is shocked about the fact that everybody who works at and for ORF needs to wear a wristband. Those wristbands have different colors - green for the tripple vaxxed, yellow for the double vaxxed, blue for PCR tested persons, etc. They „have“ to do this as a lot of contractors and their employees are working for ORF and these people do not need to be vaxxed, for them a daily(!) PCR test is sufficient. Can you believe this? The main media outlet, which btw is financed by compulsory fees, has people labeled with colored bands! No similarities to a certain time, of course not.

Here is the link to the (German) letter of the two layers: https://tkp.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/20220119_Brief_an_den_O%CC%88sterreichischen_Bundeskanzler_zur_Impfpflicht.pdf

As they state in their letter that it will be published on their website in three languages I have searched it - but could not find it. Maybe they will only upload it when they don’t receive any answer from the government? Maybe this whole thing is a hoax? But I don’t think the latter as the document and the addresses, names, etc. seem to be valid. Not sure though. I am in a mental state right now where I don’t trust anyone and anything anymore. And I don’t like this state of mind at all. 😟

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I'm having a booster if they prevent death by 99%. Immortality here we come!


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I do not think you read the small print, 😂

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Why bother with the small print? Everything is done in my best interests.

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Yes, it is, and you shall like it to become part of the Borg (apologies to Gene Roddenberry).

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We are all witnesses to the continued and endless roll out of lies and utter BS.

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"keep in mind that the infection fatality rate of Covid-19 for those who are under 75 years of age is also north of 99%, irrespective of vaccination."

I think you mean the recovery rate, not the fatality rate. :)

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Hi UM Ross, thanks for spotting this--and yes, you're right. I just fixed this.

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