600 officers that’s not a small number. Good on the Austrian police.

Thanks for the article. Good as always.

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I agree, it's not a small number, and the dissent has spread country-wide. In addition, it's decidedly non-partisan and non-union.

The key point, I think, is that this is connected to the régime's proposed vaxx mandate, which is also what drives the majority of the 'regular' people who take to the streets.

By now, I think it's obvious that this is a political lose-lose situation for the régime, hence this entire charade is quickly turning into a gigantic game of chicken: will the politicians blink first and withdraw the mandate?

I think that--at least a sizable part of the political establishment--are waiting for the right 'occasion' (and I'll have another piece on this issue later today or tomorrow) to jettison the vaxx mandate. This does not--repeat: explicitly not--include Health Minister and wannabe-tinpot-dictator Mückstein and the majority of the Greens: they are fanatics, blinded by arrogance and hubris, and in it for (pseudo-) ideological reasons.

If they remain in power much longer, brace for impact.

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