"If you determine my reading is accurate, you may wish to join me and weep for the future of humanity, in particular our children who may perhaps learn about freedoms and liberties from history books or sentimental ramblings of their (grand-) parents."

I don't know about humanity, but this is the end of Europe. I don't mean this one piece of legislation, but the Europe-wide response to this (all things considered, fairly mild) virus. It's fascinating how quickly it all crumbled. It just goes to show that protection of individual rights was only ever skin-deep in most of Europe. England (not even all of UK) is a bit of exception in that regard, if you want to count England as Europe. So, England may claw its way back, but for the rest of us, it's the end of an epoch.

Well. This is how Europe transitions to being a cultural and economic backwater. I wonder if this will provoke another European Great War. You know, as people across the continent get poorer and poorer, and more and more frustrated. I'm not saying it'll happen tomorrow, but within a decade...?

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It seems there will only be three choices here. Flee, fight, or comply. One of them would not be acceptable to me.

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Somewhat off-topic, but it is important:

"... his team has been able to replicate international findings that HEPARIN can block the transmission of COVID-19 and prevent infection.

The spray coats the nose but does not go down into the lungs. The researchers say it is cheap, easy to distribute and is expected to be effective against mutant strains of the virus including the Omicron variant.

"It won't matter if a new variant comes along, this drug will block that protein from infecting the cells," Professor Campbell said.

"I'm very confident that we can demonstrate that it will work, and people will be using this before they go to the shops and before they go to school."


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This one is bad. Don't they understand that once this passes there is no way back? All forcing legislation for smoking, obesity... follows. Then let's protect the planet so you are not allowed to fly or eat meat, you peasant...

Austrians should realize that this is their last oportunity.

Austrians claim that the third Reich was all German, they were just forced and stories like that. I just say that Germans gonna german, and from here I really do not see the difference. I am also surprised by the batshit crazy anglos and Italians, and surprised as well by my country. I was thinking if someone was going to be forcing vaccines was going to be my government. Having a compliant population has its benefits I suppose, since 91% of adults took at least one.

This omicron vaccine-escape variant cannot come soon enough in my opinion.

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