May 3, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Seriously, in EU you can't complain about northern countries, just look at data.

Until USSR was alive and kicking, Italy had one of the best Public Health organization around. Then all over sudden once the Berlin wall fell and so the USSR, USA started disrupting all of the good thing that the fruitful coexistence of center and socialist parties built before.

From 1990 until now and more to come, Public Health is a fake news, private Clinics gained millions from public funding and the Public Hospitals are not managed anymore by a Professor of any health science, but by a purely bloody manager that manage an Hospital as a Car industry... profit first.

They even changed the name from USL (Local Sanitary Unit) to ASL (Local Sanitary Azienda(Company)...

So, the USA health model is spreading or is imposed to Nato countries as all the worst things that USA is continuously exporting.... not democracy at all, but Fascism. Sory.

Almost everything that comes from USA in last, say 32 years, has been and is and will be bad, and bad news! ( a part from few, rare exceptions, but that don't last enuf btw)

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Ciao Paolo,

all of the above is true, esp. the crapification of healthcare 'services'.

As to your quip about 'don't complain, it's worse elsewhere': I know that, and I understand that I'm comparatively fortunate. Yet, my aim is to explore how it came about as to why the Nordic countries are less openly fascistic than, say, Austria or Australia, as Barry also points out.

Thus, my above post's core message is--this may be due to folks over here are way more obedient than elsewhere, hence there was no need (read: 'necessity', or 'opportunity') to impose harsher measures. And these will come, if needs be.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

Sure dear Epimetheus, but as you going through it I would add also that nordic countries have a different approach, they're not as religious as italian or others are including australians, they belong to a completely different way of thinking, and concepts of rights and duties.

But if you guys want to buy the Vatican, we can sell you for few euros!! Special Offer as long as you take it away from our beloved conutry! XD

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May 2, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by epimetheus

"Lessons from Norway, as the Government’s Koronakommission Actually Wrote Them"

Very droll.

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I'm not making them up--it's swamplandia, Nordic style. Once I'll find the time, I'll enlighten and humour you all about how the incoming Labour-led gov't stage-managed Mr. Stoltenberg (yes, he of NATO vintage, whose sister is the Institute of Public Health's chieftain, by the way) becoming the next Head of the Central Bank: highlights, or low-points, include 'chance' meetings with soon-to-be PM, of course labelled 'of private nature' and the like.

Same shit, different smell.

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

You are providing a valuable service, along with PeterSweden, re "Nordic" matters. I put Nordic in "" as I cannot tell anymore.....

I just spanked myself for believing the lies about the Nordics beinf all about peace, freedom and equity.

Disclaimer: I have very partial towards the Nordic babes - real ones....

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May 2, 2022Liked by epimetheus

"... my favourite: obedience was high enough not to warrant coercion"

True! Look at Austria and Australia,

I am surprised that they did not blame Putin and Trump. At least they blamed Obama since he is also an immigrant!

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Now that you mention it, yes, the absence of Russian meddling is…curious indeed.

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19/20 social problems here are solely due to migration from Africa and MENA. Letting the savage scum of the Earth over the border is our fault, us being fooled by the intelligentsia adopting the US lie of multiculturalism, melting pot- great lie, and similar.

Tell you what, let the US accept some 25 000 000 african and arab moslems of the poorest, most illiterate kind, see how you like it. Just give then citiznship and they will asimilate and become americans, right? Might want to look at Britain where moslems rule greater and greater areas with the threat of violent bloody murder (i.e. typical islam) always just out of sight.

These are our lands, by birthright and blood. Outsiders be welcome if they adapt to our ways and show due respect for them, but no outsider ever has any claim to our ancestral lands - period, end of. White migranst have never been a problem, neither has jewish ones. Arab, negroe, gypsie, afghan, syrian, turks, kurds have only been problems because they do not adapt, show no respect, no gratitude being given everything for free for their entire lives if they want to, and immediately become aggressive and vilent when critisised, and do nothing to mend their ways.

Gypsies commit over 90% of all frauds and thefts against old people. Arabs and african negroes commit virtually all rapes. Daily shootings, weekly bombings and churches being st of fire - it's not swedes or white migrants doing that, it's arabs, negroes and afghans.

They should be rounded up, stripped of belongings and marched over the border to Germany at gunpoint. The -itch Merkel and her "Wir schaffen Das" can care for them if they love rape, child abuse and islam so much, or they can send them on to the eternally whiny greeks and italians who just ushered them through instead of keeping them put and sending them out of the EU as they were supposed to - negroes and arabs ahve once and for all proven that they are unfit to set foot this side the Mediterranean or the Bosphorus.

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May 2, 2022Liked by epimetheus

An important sentence in an important report is "received information on new rules and regulations at the same time as the rest either during press conferences or via official websites."

The same dictates demanded by the international fascists to every country. And this is not a case that Norway was fooled as Norwegian people were trained by the fascists and placed into positions of authority who accepted all dictates without question.

I continue to protest blaming non-existent neoliberals, but have noticed the correct spelling of fascist in this report.

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Re the spelling: pharma fascists = phascists

Re the neo-liberal issue: I noticed, no worries, Rick, it's just a quick and easy short-hand (I can't just explain this everytime I bring it up).

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Ok. Just expressing what I think and not an expression of absolute truth. :-)

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One Nation, One Station! XD XD XD

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