This is a good article. Did not know much about the guy, but I am surprised how little critical thinking there was when he obviously had the experience.

You get the report from the Pfizer trial, and you see three months of data, absolutely no testing for immunity just against serious illness, not a clear benefit against death, compounded with the crappy classification of death reports, since one in the Pfizer group died of the terrible condition known as "death", and you decide to roll with it. I am not certain they even read it.

And what is worse, this insistence on vaccinating everyone, including adolescents, when you already know that does not stop spread that much, if at all.

I am disappointed. We are surrounded by functional retards. They can think, but they do not.

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As a follow-up (after I told my wife about the information in the above piece), mainly directed to the Nordic readers:

Might asking the IPH and NMA about these discrepancies yield something useful?

While I'm sure it would be quite 'uncomfortable' to them, I'm equally convinced all that I'd get some boilerplate bla-bla-bla in response.

But--you know what makes me really afraid? It's the same kind of morons who also staff NATO, the EU, and the US gov't agencies. What could go wrong…

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Thank you, From Norway, for appreciating my efforts.

My follow-up question would be: do you know how the funding structure of the IPH and NMA may have changed in the ten years prior to Covid? My gut feeling is that some of these individuals--who, btw, are the same: apart from Mr. Aavtisland, Ms. Stoltenberg was there, too--may have gotten quite well-treated by Big Pharma in-between.

I haven't looked into this issue (yet), and I'm not here in Norway nearly long enough to claim any special insights into these issues--but you might!

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I did not know these people from before. The pig flu was a non issue for me, so never paid attention.

You could check their selvangivelse in skatteetaten, but I don't think you should, since even if they get "greased" they are not going to declare it.

Public grants for research and such should be easy to find. They probably have an open CV where they love to write all this stuff.

Besides, it is the responsibility of journalist and Stortinget to check all this, but you should not expect too much there.

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