Covid in Norway: Vaxx-Injured Organise Themselves, State Broadcaster NRK Reports
Welcome to the most limited of hangouts, Norwegian style, with the official number of deaths after Covid vaccination standing at 279 as of 21 Sept. 2023
Translation and emphases mine, as are the bottom lines.
Vaccine-Injured Victims Organise Themselves: ‘A Mockery to Call the Covid Vaccine Safe and Effective’
Corona-vaccinated people have had twice as many claims for compensation for their injuries rejected as accepted: ‘We were part of the effort, but are not taken seriously’, says a new support organisation.
By Leif Rune Løland, NRK, 6 Dec. 2023 [source]

‘The truth here is far greater than that the corona vaccines are safe and effective, as we are told. There are many of us who have suffered major persistent ailments’, says Karl-Erik Hordnes (43) in Bergen.
Three weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, he became acutely ill in autumn of 2021: ‘There was fatigue, high pulse, lactic acid in his legs, brain fog, and concentration problems.’
The formerly active outdoorsman is still on 60% sick leave. He gets tired easily and suddenly:
It's almost as if someone switches on a dimmer switch and his energy goes completely down.

Almost 200 Members
Last autumn [2022], he appeared in a TV 2 report:
The same day, feedback started pouring in from people from all over the country, who could finally read something they could recognise themselves in. ‘I realised that a working group needed to be set up, which eventually became an association for those who have suffered vaccine injuries from the coronavirus vaccines.’
The VaxVeritas organisation now has almost 200 members: both vaccine injured and other support members.
‘With an organisation like this, you don't feel so alone in having problems caused by the vaccines’, says Rune Larsen Aune (35) from Brønnøysund.
‘It's important to emphasise that there are some people who have not tolerated this vaccine. We vaccine-injured people are a lost group’, adds Vibeke Larsen (52) from Bergen.
The association demands recognition, treatment, and compensation for these patients.
‘We were part of this endeavour. Now that we are ill as a result of side effects, we feel that we are not being taken seriously. The assurances that the vaccine was safe and effective are an insult to many people who have taken this vaccine in good faith’, says Hordnes.
Bygdanytt was the first to report on the organisation.
Adverse Events are Trivialised
4.3m Norwegians—80% of the population—have taken at least one vaccine dose against Covid-19.
As of 21 September, the Norwegian Medicines Agency [Legemiddelverket] has registered 8,052 cases of suspected serious adverse reactions to the coronavirus vaccine, but emphasises that this ‘does not necessarily mean that there is a causal relationship with the vaccine’. [of course they do]
They conclude that there is ‘no basis for changing the current general recommendations for immunisation’. [why would they?]
As of 1 October, 1,575 people had applied to the Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation Fund (NPE) for compensation for such ailments.
So far, more than twice as many claims have been rejected as have been accepted.
321 people have received a total of just over NOK 15 million [approx. US$ 1.5m] in compensation, i.e., an average of NOK 47,700. 694 people have been refused compensation.

‘I feel that the serious side effects are being trivialised’, says Larsen Aune. [I think the word ‘trivialised’ should read: ‘normalised’]
He has been diagnosed with MS, which is not officially recognised as a side effect of the coronavirus vaccine.
Vibeke Larsen was diagnosed with ME [chronic fatigue syndrome] in May. It has been confirmed that the vaccine gave her pericarditis. But she has not been able to establish that the vaccine is the cause of ME:
My day now consists of planning small activities and the time I need to get a quilt. Every morning I wake up with a feeling of ‘hang-over’ after a really good party.
Ministry: ‘We will take them seriously’
State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt says that the Ministry of Health and Human Services is committed to honest and open communication about both the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination:
This is essential if the population is to have confidence in the vaccines recommended by the authorities. It is also important to emphasise that at the population level, there are enormous health benefits from both corona vaccination and influenza vaccination.
Serious side effects are very rare. But it does not help those who are affected by these serious side effects. And we must take this very seriously.
They are provoked by the government's assurances before and afterwards that the coronavirus vaccine is safe and effective.
[Bjørkholt] I understand that very well. When the government's communication does not match their perception, it is clear that it can be provocative. It is very important that you contact the health service. Then you must expect to be taken seriously and that things will be sorted out. [would that incl. criminal charges?]
However, they are usually told that there is no proven causal link to many of the ailments they suffer from.
[Bjørkholt] The Norwegian Medicines Agency has the knowledge about this in Norway and collaborates with international research centres. But it is often difficult to demonstrate a direct correlation. One requirement for compensation is that you must be able to show a probable correlation.
[See how chilling this is in terms of inversion of the need-to-prove anything? You know, if one wanted to introduce a new foodstuff or the like into Norwegian supermarkets, one must prove that it’s safe; here, it’s like the jabs are ‘safe’ until proven otherwise]

‘We are not Anti-Vaxxers’
Bjørkholt says that knowledge about vaccine side effects is becoming increasingly detailed. And that both MS and ME are something that is being researched extensively internationally.
‘I am confident that there are many more side effects that will be authorised than those that are currently recognised’, says Hordnes.
VaxVeritas has received help from experts to conduct a survey among people who believe they suffer adverse effects after coronavirus vaccination. Hordnes encourages people to participate. He then wants to meet the Minister of Health to present the results of the survey.
The three people NRK has met emphasise that they are not vaccine opponents or afraid to take the coronavirus vaccine:
‘I have never been sceptical about a single vaccine. I took the vaccine because I thought it was important. I have been completely uncritical of the coronavirus vaccine, but have become very critical’, says Hordnes.
‘It didn't occur to me for one second that it could be dangerous’, says Larsen Aune.
State Secretary Bjørkholt reacts to this patient group being criticised for their resistance to the vaccine:
This is completely unreasonable. These are people who have personally experienced having their lives turned upside down by serious side effects of medical treatment or vaccines. I have to recognise and respect that, and not put them in that kind of pigeonhole. And society must have a system that is ready to help.

‘That's not the case today’, says Hordnes:
I think the lack of follow-up from the health authorities and the lack of recognition through patient injury compensation is a complete scandal.
It's a major abdication of responsibility that vaccination is the responsibility of the health authorities, while side effects are the responsibility of the GP.
Bottom Lines: the Most Limited of Hangouts
This is awful. I’m sorry for those affected, and I condemn those responsible.
Long-term readers know I’m not reluctant to name names: Camilla Stoltenberg, sister of soon-to-leave-NATO’s clown-in chief and former Norwegian PM Jens. Remember that Camilla became director of the Institute of Public Health in 2012 during her brother’s tenure as PM, which I’m sure had nothing to do with that appointment. She left the IPH earlier in 2023 and has been appointed director of Norce, a university-affiliated ‘innovation incubator’ (whatever).
Then there’s one of my personal bete noire, the IPH’s Director of Epidemiology, Preben Aavitsland, who’s been in charge of mass vaccinations—which, it appears, is the one and only thing he never tires of—back in 2009/10 during the WHO-declared, so-called ‘Swine Flu Pandemic’. Back then, though, a single domestic (Norwegian) case of suspected narcolepsy (that kind of sleep disorder sounds less vile than it is, if you’re affected by being unable to control when to fall asleep) was enough for the IPH to call off the mass jabbing with since-then de-authorised vaccine ‘Pandemrix’ on a weekend in mid-August:
And this brings me to the third comrade-in-deception, Steinar Madsen, in charge of safety at the Norwegian Medicines Agency (Legemiddelverket), who’s also been around back in 2009/10 and as late as autumn 2020 reassured his countrymen that they’ve ‘learned the lessons’ of the Swine Flu disaster, promising the following:
Today, we are facing a completely new virus that poses a significantly greater risk of serious illness and death than swine flu did. There is currently no authorised vaccine against COVID-19. New studies must therefore be conducted with all vaccine candidates against COVID-19 to document efficacy, safety and quality.
Brand new vaccine technology is being utilised for some of the vaccines, such as DNA and mRNA vaccines. During the pandemic, several different vaccines are likely to be authorised and put into use.
‘Large studies with many thousands of participants are now being conducted for many vaccine candidates against COVID-19. This gives us good knowledge about the different vaccines’, says Steinar Madsen.
‘Active monitoring of side effects after the vaccine has been used is important. Reporting from both healthcare professionals and patients is key to detecting new, unexpected and serious side effects. Today, we have the opportunity to compile and analyse information from various health registers. This means that new, unexpected or serious side effects can be detected more quickly.’
These lines were written on 12 Nov. 2020.
Steinar Madsen retired in summer 2023 aged 66, ‘but not because of the Covid pandemic’, as Dagbladet assures us.
Lest I forget, here are the most current numbers of adverse effects of the Covid injections in Norway, as reported by the Norwegian Medicines Agency as of 21 Sept. 2023:
Two things to mention:
Frist, note the utterly devastating and disproportionate number of serious (alvorlige) and light (lite alvorlige) entries among the age brackets of 18-29, 30-30, 40-49, and 50-59 year-olds. How on earth is this not ‘a safety signal’?
Second, here’s the ‘comment on those reports concerning children 0-11 years’ (my emphases):
Separate paediatric doses of the corona vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer (Comirnaty) are given to age groups under 12 years of age and the vaccine is mainly given to children with severe underlying disease. Most adverse reaction reports concern breastfed children who have not been vaccinated themselves. Various symptoms have been reported in the children, such as fever, abdominal pain, nausea, anxiety, rashes, or colds. Such symptoms are common in infants and young children. In most cases, symptoms appeared 0-3 days after the mother had been vaccinated. A comprehensive review of studies in breastfeeding mothers who have received the corona vaccine shows no evidence that maternal immunisation poses any risk to the child.
Predictably, as day follows night, while ‘symptoms appeared 0-3 days after the mother had been vaccinated’, of course, public health officialdom emphasises that there is ‘no evidence that maternal immunisation poses any risk to the child’.
Oh, lest I forget: the ‘official’ tally of deaths in close temporal or other proximity to administration of a Coronavirus vaccine in Norway’ stands at 279.
Even after the death of 100 elderly people in nursing homes, of which 10 were considered ‘likely caused by the Covid vaccines’, it was determined that the benefits outweigh the risks of using these products. This was in January/February 2021 (it’s on page 7 of the adverse events report, for those who require sourcing).
I’ll stop here, but I will say this:
The above piece by NRK shows that legacy media is ‘doing journalism’ here, mostly for ass-covering purposes, I’d add. To me, it’s obvious that this kind of BS-mongering, which is totally devoid of anything remotely smacking of muckraking questions, such as, ‘how can you write this [see the above adverse report commentary]’?
It’s the most limited of hangouts, I think, designed by those responsible to be able to ‘show concern’ (here’s looking at you, State Secretary Bjørkholt), voice platitudes faking compassion, and ultimately—do nothing at-all.
The most mind-bogglingly absurd aspect of it is the continued insistence of the victims that they’re still pro-vaccines. I’m not blaming them, mind you, but I’m pointing out that if you still trust the authorities on anything that goes into your body that they tell you is ‘safe and effective’, there’s but one thing to note:
I feel so sorry for these people. I suffered a mysterious catastrophic health situation a few years ago that has yet to be properly diagnosed. I am better now after a life of total sobriety, no vaccines and lifestyle changes including minimising pharma.
When the c19 jabs were rolled out I thought: absolutely not, hell no, no way after what I had been through will I chance it. Their symptoms sound very similar to what I experienced and now I wonder if I was vaccine-injured from my past. I will never know.
Thank you for continuing to profile this. The government and those above controlling governments want us sick and dead. I will live if only to give them the middle finger every day.
Re: narcolepsy as a side effect. Norway also looked at "big brother" Sweden. By that point, we had hundreds of cases of narcolepsy, especially among younger people.
The governement at the time tried to sweep it all under the rug as "psychosomatic hysteria", then denied the afflicted (about 850 people) reparations or damages or even being classified as permanently disabled, and when they finally relented the ones injured by the vaccine got a few thousand euros.
Our medical inury insurance works thus: pharmaceutical companies pay a set amount in advance into a fund, which is nulled every New Year. People who apply for and are granted reparations for an injury or disability caused by pharmaceuticals get a share out of this fund - so the more applicants that are apporved a given year, the less everyone gets.
The whole thing was initially set up that way to protect both the state and Astra when it was a swedish company - the state of Sweden is notoriously bad at paying damages and reparations to people injured due no fault of their own but because of the state's delinquency.