I feel so sorry for these people. I suffered a mysterious catastrophic health situation a few years ago that has yet to be properly diagnosed. I am better now after a life of total sobriety, no vaccines and lifestyle changes including minimising pharma.

When the c19 jabs were rolled out I thought: absolutely not, hell no, no way after what I had been through will I chance it. Their symptoms sound very similar to what I experienced and now I wonder if I was vaccine-injured from my past. I will never know.

Thank you for continuing to profile this. The government and those above controlling governments want us sick and dead. I will live if only to give them the middle finger every day.

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I don't know who trusts the gov't anymore?

On the other hand, there's plenty of people who still do, and apparently they haven't learned a thing. Oh, lest I forget, this is why History matters.

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I just saw an interesting case where a local (low-ranking) politician who was in lockstep with the narrative (including vaccination by army/police) was just elevated to a higher ministry position. Her father was the state Governor - the Crown representative, also in the covid scam.

All we can do is watch while the people who perpetrated this horror on us are rewarded and they seem to be doing great.

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And wish them another bunch of boosters in-between, I suppose.

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Re: narcolepsy as a side effect. Norway also looked at "big brother" Sweden. By that point, we had hundreds of cases of narcolepsy, especially among younger people.

The governement at the time tried to sweep it all under the rug as "psychosomatic hysteria", then denied the afflicted (about 850 people) reparations or damages or even being classified as permanently disabled, and when they finally relented the ones injured by the vaccine got a few thousand euros.

Our medical inury insurance works thus: pharmaceutical companies pay a set amount in advance into a fund, which is nulled every New Year. People who apply for and are granted reparations for an injury or disability caused by pharmaceuticals get a share out of this fund - so the more applicants that are apporved a given year, the less everyone gets.

The whole thing was initially set up that way to protect both the state and Astra when it was a swedish company - the state of Sweden is notoriously bad at paying damages and reparations to people injured due no fault of their own but because of the state's delinquency.

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You're, of course, correct. As I wrote back in spring 2022, there were also 15 cases of narcolepsy in Finland and 10 in Sweden that informed the Norwegian decision.

I'm unsure if the Norwegian patient injury fund works in the same ways (I wouldn't be surprised), but the main (fraud) here surely works the same, with the objective being to avoid embarrassment to the government.

Grrrrrr. Did I mention that I'm pissed, btw?

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I totally agree. The minimal trust there was is gone forever. To use the words of the great Arne Burkhardt, I would rather die an „honest death“ than become the subject of experimentation of greedy and ruthless psychopaths.

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That's also my creed these days: whatever happens, I know who (my family) and what (my and their freedom) I will die for. Whoever comes for me probably doesn't know about either.

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State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt: "Serious side effects are VERY RARE."

I've heard a number of health ministers (for example, the detestable Lauterbach in Germany) repeat this mantra. Words matter. The European Commission nomenclature for communicating frequency of adverse effects of drugs is thus:

Very common: (≥1/10)

Common: (≥1/100 to <1/10)

Uncommon: (≥1/1,000 to <1/100)

Rare: (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Very rare: (less than 1/10,000)

You write: 4.3m Norwegians received at least 1 dose, and "As of 21 September, the Norwegian Medicines Agency [Legemiddelverket] has registered 8,052 cases of suspected serious adverse reactions to the coronavirus vaccine."

My back-of-the-envelope math: If most received 3 doses, let's say ~10m doses total. 10m divided by 8,052 gives a reporting rate of serious adverse effects: 1 in 1,242 doses (remember most took 3 doses, so the cumulative risk per vaccinee for your Norwegian data would slip into UNCOMMON). Even if not all of these suspected serious adverse reactions are ultimately attributed to the vaccines, it seems to me that serious adverse effects can (at best!) be more properly described as RARE (i.e. more than 1/10,000 but less than 1/1,000).

[I started writing a post on this topic in spring but unfortunately never satisfactorily completed it.]

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Good point.

Let me ask you this, though: if you put lipstick ('uncommon') on a pig (apologies, pigs, I mean the Covid jabs), will that render the 'pig' (as in: Covid jabs) less of a 'pig'?

A while ago, I did a back-of-the-envelope 'estimate' along the lines you mentioned: about 1 in 1,000 Covid jabs (irrespective of the number of said jabs) results in an adverse reaction. Your numbers are about in the same ballpark, and the sad thing is that one must now consider variables, such as time since (last) injection, number of injections (some are certainly at no. 7), and the like, to say nothing about the cumulative toxicity of these injections.

I suppose that the 'true' number of adverse reactions is different for the above-related reasons, but still, none of this renders the lipstick/pig thing moot.

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It is remarkable how public health agencies have become anti-public health agencies, but what is even more striking is how few people actually notice. This was made possible only by a long war on our minds which preceded the KOVID psy-op. This menticide is ongoing. It undergirds the democide.

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