I call BS on their excess mortality data. Either they orginally manipulated the figures giving them the 20% above (which was in all reality probable), or they are providing incomplete data or compromised reporting source. We are not "back to normal mortality".

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Oh, sure, I'd call BS on most, if not anything, these public health types say.

In particular because of

a) the delay in reporting;

b) the conflation of dying of and with Covid ('so-called Covid-associated deaths')--after three years of this, we're still in early 2020, it seems;

c) the use of Eurostat as source seems…odd; surely all these (supposedly) national public health institutes have their own data, to say nothing about (national) statistics offices (that feed their data to Eurostat)--why not use these offices?

d) and, finally for now, the notion that Euromomo (which, let's not forget, was set-up specifically to 'monitor' such things, as opposed to the ex-post presentation of such data by Eurostat) marks everything incl. week 17 (end of Feb.) as 'provisional', shades it yellow-ish and calls whatever data they present 'corrected for delay in registration'.

Methodically, b) is the worst issue, which renders all such statements and discussion moot.

My gut indicates that c) is done to both absolve oneself of any responsibility ('look, it's their data, not ours, which we're not showing, by the way') while, at the same time, allowing the various national public health warriors to (virtue-)signal--weasel--their way out of having to say anything (not that this would prevent Preben Aavitsland from, again, engaging in intellectual bed-wetting).

As the saying goes, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I suppose 'experts' will be 'stunned' and 'baffled' before too long, because of…

1) ERs continue to be overflowing;

2) while ER and trauma medicine has been able to keep people from dying so far, this has been going on since last autumn; these are small ERs and hospitals we're talking, Norway lacks professional healthcare workers, incl. nursing staff, so it's a question of when, not if, the sustained influx of ER visits will lead to increasing deaths--in Norway as well as elsewhere in 'the West';

3) the manufacturers blabber again about new variants, authorities and 'experts' are planning the upcoming 'autumn vaxx campaign' (which, in my estimation, will be a downer for them in terms of share of the population still willing to roll up their sleeves); 'even' in the most vaxxed countries, such as, e.g., Portugal, a fifth dose (they call it 'third booster' over at the ECDC) stands at 4%; the 'frontrunner' here appears to be Ireland with 8.5% of 'eligible' people taking a fifth jab, all data courtesy of


Like you, I may only 'speculate' about the 'sudden fall' in mortality, but then again, the above-linked website also indicates that Europeans essentially stopped taking these injectable products around the turn of 2021/22, i.e., only very few individuals took these shots last year…sure, correlation doesn't equal causation, but it's worthwhile to ponder.

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Surely as from 1 January 2023 Norway dropped 2016 off its previous 5 year data and added 2022. Would not this in itself lower 2023 excess death count?

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If they are using a rolling average, the inclusion of the last years to establish what’s «normal» is pretty problematic - the only figures i would want to see are total deaths, adjusted for changes in the population «sammensetning» - those figures are not possible to fudge.

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Excellent point.

This is further corroborated by the following issue: according to Statistics Norway (source: https://www.ssb.no/befolkning/fodte-og-dode/statistikk/dode), the total numbers (men and women, all deaths) are:

2016: 40,726

2017: 40,774

2018: 40,840

2019: 40,684

2020: 40,611

2021: 42,002

2022: 45,774

Now, having looked at these 'official' numbers, if the 'baseline' of the 'excess mortality' in 2021/22 is 2016-19, I do get this sense that these 'numbers', well, don't add up.

average no. of all-cause mortality, 2016-20: 40,727

2021: 42,002, or +3.1% compared to the 2016-20 'average'

2022: 45,774, or +12,4% compared to the 2016-20 'average' (or almost 9% over the 2021 numbers)

Upon reflection, I fail to see excess mortality in the ±20% over the 2016-19 'baseline' cited in the piece.

Strange. Any thoughts?

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I wonder about that, too, esp. in terms of comparing apples and oranges, figuratively speaking.

Another thing that struck me is the way Euromomo in particular presents its data as they show all their years layered upon each other, all of which starting anew with '0' excess deaths. While I (think I) understand why that is, I'd love to know if that kind of 'reset' itself isn't shifting the 'lower boundary' (for lack of a better term') upwards after two years (2021; 2022) of significantly elevated excess mortality rates.

Source: https://euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps/

Note, though, that excess mortality for those aged 0-14 is elevated in 2023 relative to both previous years (since 2017) and all other age cohorts.

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I’m sure that the vaxx has nothing to do with the increase in hospitalizations/sarc.

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Well, since the word 'vaccine' didn't appear in the piece, I wouldn't know, eh /sarcasm

(And, apparently, Public Health Officialdom doesn't 'think' so either.)

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I’m so sick of these people.

(Almost) EVERYONE knows that the vaccines are crap, but it’s a subject that cannot be discussed.... except to say how wonderful they are.

And how do we know that (almost) EVERYONE knows that they are crap?

Because NO ONE will voluntarily take the shots anymore.

People whisper to each other about how worried they are and talk about not getting another shot, who’s sick and if it’s connected to the vaxx, etc.

The vaccines are literally being destroyed without being used, having exceeded their expiration dates.

What a bunch of liars and paid off hypocrites, afraid to honestly report the facts.

End rant.

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Same same.

And I particularly dislike self-professed 'journalists' like WIlthil who seemingly don't check what the IPH itself has written in Jan./Feb. 2022. That said, occasionally, I do get responses from Aavitsland, which are always in writing (even though I'm just a lowly 'blogger' for which he 'has no time') and it's literally impossible to get 'them' to double-check.

Liars and hypocrites they are, and incompetent at their professed 'jobs', too, both in public health and journalism.

No need to stop ranting.

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