Dec 26, 2023Liked by epimetheus

Key phrase/word is of course "can".

If they said "will" they would be liable to say "how much" and also "what's the process" and "how do you know that".

I "can" use my chainsaw to mow the lawn. I wouldn't, but that's not the same in legalese and semantics - it's amazing to me that A) officials engage in word-games worthy of the worst american-style shysters/14-year old autistics and B) that the majority of people don't read what's actually stated but instead read some kind of assumed meaning and intent.

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It's also the perfect way to individual/health dependency: 'do this before/after (insert date) or else'.

Given the insane nonsense about, e.g., 'asymptomatic spread', infectious-ness based on 'vaccination status', Covid Passports, lockdowns for 'the unvaccinated', and the like, it's the model for future governance: centralise everything, add animal 'health' to the mix, claim some pathogen may jump to humans, and you've got the perfect recipe for pathological authoritarianism.

If you put this into the larger context, you get the continued/reinforced US-Americanisation (crapification) of everything. It's the ending of 'public' institutions (no worries, the private sector is right behind governments--think: ESG ratings).

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