Kids 5-11 better covid than vaccine. How about kids 12-17? They did a big mistake in October with that. I am certain that they are not numbers about that.

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Let’s hope indeed.

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Okay, I just read the abstract of this post, and it can't be right. "1000% higher" means 11 times higher (100 changes to 1100, so 11 times). It's actually more like 1000 *times* higher.

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Awesome write up and summary, thank you. Let's hope this can be spread around so that it makes a splash state-side, since our media plays "follow the leader" with all things Covid - if it's news in the US it's news here in Sweden.

Speaking of Sweden, these decisions by our saner neighbours and cousins may mean that our governement doubles-down on lockdowns, passes and general stupidity. All too many swedes in leading roles suffer from a "big brother"-delusion regarding danes, norwegians and finns (though with the finns they don't dare t show it- "Hakka päälle!"). So if the danes do something, they must ridicule and denigrate regardless of facts: it's a thousand years of history behind it you see.

Anyways, good on Norway!

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Thanks for your post.

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