Kids 5-11 better covid than vaccine. How about kids 12-17? They did a big mistake in October with that. I am certain that they are not numbers about that.

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Hi, are you 'well' again? I read about your self-treatment for 'Covid' in the other thread, and I'm glad you're apparently done with this.

As to the specific question, that linked piece doesn't say anything about the 12-17yo (which doesn't mean that I don't agree with your statement).

What struck me in that most recent IPH assessment is that they are now using different age brackets: for the vaccine uptake, the often used five-year intervals for adults, but now they are using 10-20-year intervals. Also, in that assessment, the 0-19yo are lumped together , which, medically speaking, doesn't make any sense whatsoever (but I fear we're beyond that point for quite a while now), but still: there's some change, and here's hoping there will be more to come before too long.

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Yes, i am well again. I have still not exercised, but I do not feel anything abnormal. We will see next week after some light training.

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I'm a week after, and while I'm still a bit exhausted, I feel my energy levels returning to pre-Covid levels, but I do admit to having been very exhausted for a few days.

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Let’s hope indeed.

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Okay, I just read the abstract of this post, and it can't be right. "1000% higher" means 11 times higher (100 changes to 1100, so 11 times). It's actually more like 1000 *times* higher.

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Hi Irena,

thanks for spotting this and pointing it out. You're correct and I fixed it (it was correct in the text).


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Awesome write up and summary, thank you. Let's hope this can be spread around so that it makes a splash state-side, since our media plays "follow the leader" with all things Covid - if it's news in the US it's news here in Sweden.

Speaking of Sweden, these decisions by our saner neighbours and cousins may mean that our governement doubles-down on lockdowns, passes and general stupidity. All too many swedes in leading roles suffer from a "big brother"-delusion regarding danes, norwegians and finns (though with the finns they don't dare t show it- "Hakka päälle!"). So if the danes do something, they must ridicule and denigrate regardless of facts: it's a thousand years of history behind it you see.

Anyways, good on Norway!

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Hi Rikard,

I hail from a comparatively small country myself (which used to be much bigger), hence I'm intimately familiar with these 'phantom pains' of former greatness. I do pity those countries that are (still) a bit bigger than ours, whose 'phantom pains' must be that much bigger (here's looking at you, UK).

Leaving these issues aside, I sincerely hope that the Swedish government will join its Scandinavian peers before too long.

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Thanks for your post.

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Jan 28, 2022
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You're perfectly welcome.

It is, indeed, very good for the children that the Norwegian gov't appears to be moving away from these heavy-handed intrusions. As to your question in parentheses, this is a tricky one, but I'd guess that there is a window of opportunity right now due to the 'open secret' of vaccine failure literally everywhere mRNA gene therapeutics have been rolled out.

It might very well be that the gov't will try to impose these Covid Passports in exchange for less mandates. As to your valid point about wasted time and money, sure, that's true, but let's face it: this entire charade of Covid-the-social-construct was never about the issue of who's gonna be footing that particular bill.

Here's hoping that the governments will refrain from this monstrosities. I for one already decided a long time ago that, if asked to 'perform' these controls (I teach at a university), I won't do it. I also determined that if students might wish to be paper-checked, that I shall read to them from various diaries from Nazi Germany and extend an 'invitation' to whoever asks me to control papers to do so.

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