Where is the study comparing «long-covid» and heart-failures in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated? This would give us a hell of a lot of answers. Will not happen.

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They, of course, know the 'vaccination status' of everyone involved, which is, and of this I remain convinced until proven otherwise, the reason why they won't disclose it.

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A lady in Australia has been asking for the vax status of the dead for over a year. Their answer: “The specific information requested has not been produced by the Department and complex technical work is required to analyse all-cause mortality data from Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages alongside immunisation information recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register,”

-It's too hard


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I cannot find the link right now, but Aavitsland and the IPH are on the record stating that they know the vaccination status of everyone (it's electronically recorded here in Norway), but that's the one thing they never cross-link.

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Yes it's electronically linked in Australia as well. They release the numbers regularly here they are: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-11/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-november-2023.pdf

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Same 'here': https://statistikk.fhi.no/sysvak/antall-vaksinerte?etter=diagnose&fordeltPaa=dose&diagnose=COVID_19&diagramtype=tabell

It's called SYSVAK, but the point is: they know the name/id number (social security number) of every single vaccinee. I'm also convinced that they could, within a few moments, cross-link hospitalisation and other data to vaccination data, but 'for whatever reason', they won't publicly disclose these data…

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This is absolutely nuts. If we know, they know. Just shaking my head right now.

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It's not just your head that's hurting, you know?

Any more 'proof' of what I said can be found be clicking on the below link--to the 'self-declaration form' used here in Norway:


It has not been updated after 8 April 2022 (which also tells you that's kinda like the last time the IPH has thought about anything related to this…).

Note, in particular, the yes/no lines for any of the questions, incl. in particular the link to 'why do we vaccinate':


There, the word 'contraindication' does not appear, but you get to read the following prose:

'Having undergone an infectious disease will often provide some protection (immunity) against reinfection, but some diseases can cause such a strong inflammatory reaction in the body that, for some people, it can become dangerous…

A vaccine gives the body something to practise on that resembles the disease virus, but that cannot cause the disease. The immune system is stimulated so the body can recognise and fight the virus. The vaccine quickly disappears from the body but has taught the body to defend itself if it is later exposed to infection. We can easily and effectively protect ourselves against some of the dangerous infectious diseases, without having to be exposed to the risk of having the disease.

In addition, vaccination can help to limit transmission in society.'

As I've said before, it's Covid is also a kind of test of one's cognitive abilities.

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Curious, to an English speaker the word 'Søraas' reads a lot like 'sore ass', which itself closely resembles 'butthurt'.

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"Gift" in swedish means poison. And "married".


Don't know if I missed it but they don't seem to mention the top reason for no mass-testing:


Not just the actual tests, be they schwabs or blood serum ones. Manpower-hours.

Two nurses per test and each one takes 15 minutes on average. Make it 50 people per day per pair of nurses. Divide by population and there's the problem, even before we add in transportation-logistics and all the rest of the secondary costs.

Doesn't look good though, does it, if the head of a health-org says "Nah, it's too expensive to bother testing y'all"...

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>it’s bitch fight time in Norway

I can't decide if that is really exciting or really boring. I liked the show 'Occupied' so I will say 'exciting.'

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