Jun 30Liked by epimetheus

Same story in Ireland and again nobody talks about it.


One theory I saw posited is that ‘they’ were expecting more of a slow kill. The current excess mortality numbers across highly vaccinated countries are too hard to ignore but the authorities are doing their best to do just that.

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This is all so sad, as it is expectable.

The way this is talked about here, every now and then, well, I'm trying to chronicle it; it's pathetic, to say the least, and since no-one is eager to find out what is happening, othing changes.

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Eurostat estimates of excess mortality for Ireland: Garbage!

Firstly, the use of a baseline calculated from a simple arithmetic mean of immediately preceding years is inappropriate if there is a clear trend of falling (or rising) mortality rates - Eurostat is guilty of this. See my translation of Marcel Barz's work: https://lostintranslations.substack.com/p/statistical-distortions

Secondly, Eurostat does not even standardise/correct for differences in population structure/size - Ireland's is possibly the most rapidly aging/growing population in Europe.

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I think all these stats are mostly garbage, some because they're deliberately falsified (think the application of ICD-11 codes related to 'Covid', which, in Norway, includes the category of a 'Covid-associated death', for which one must not even be 'tested' for…)

Then there's the issue with the notion of whether or not the injection status (how many, what product(s), etc.) is included into the assessment of the cause of death; typically, C-o-D certificates allow for 'contributing causes', but since doctors aren't listing injection status, no useful determination can be made.

Moreover, the baseline issue is important: are we talking the hitherto-conventional five years prior? In the above piece, the IPH guys are apparently using a couple of baselines, which, in and of itself, is fine--but if one's using a baseline that differs from previously used calculations, you cannot compare the new stats with the older ones.

Bottom line: 2020 is a watershed moment in terms of 'official' stats, which have gone from bad to arguably much, much worse.

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I know of a number of instances of people in my age group (40’s) dropping dead in the last 2-3 years. Correlation isn’t causation but it’s mighty strange. That doesn’t include the people in my circle suffering sudden onset chronic illness.

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Jun 30Liked by epimetheus

Remember: whatever COVID does, it affects the old more than the young. If excess mortality is higher for the young than for the old, then it's not COVID. Of course, it could be a statistical fluke, due to the small population size. I wonder if it's the same across Europe. If it *is* the same, the only question is this: "Is it due to lockdowns, to the injections, or both?" Although, it also occurs to me it could be economic. Tough economic times lead to poorer health outcomes. But hey, gotta defeat COVID, and then we'll defeat Russia(*), and after that the extraterrestrials.

(*) If that goes as well as the war on COVID, expect the Russians to march in Berlin soon. Ahem. But I think that the virus is tougher than the Russians, so chances are they won't be marching West of, say, Odessa. And then we can declare that the brave Ukrainians "defeated" Putler, just as the brilliant scientists came up with the mRNA shots that "defeated" COVID. If only those young people would stop dying. It's really annoying that they're doing that, isn't it?

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Oh, let's just wait for the 'war on illegal migration™' to commence in earnest so we'll see yet another 'victory™' like the two ones you alluded to, eh?

As to the Covid issue you raise, well, I actually think it's both lockdowns + the injections + the perverse incentives for 'health™' practitioners: the payment for 'treatment' system for financing hospitals and GP practices, coupled with negative 'vibes' for registering any problems with, e.g., the vaccines (or synthetic hormone-based contraceptives for that matter): you register the 'wrong' ICD-11 code--fun fact: there are these classification codes for everything--you'll have the supervisors breathing down your neck. Remember Mao's classic: discipline one, educate a hundred. No large-scale trials are needed, just a few administrative persecutions here and there--and everyone will shut up.

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More 'experts' who are 'unaware' of the vaccine carnage in Western Australia during 'covid zero.' https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/dr-andrew-robertson-presided-over

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This is so absurd--it's all the same, isn't it?

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I have provided the smoking gun for vaccine harm and the person who did it and he is still in his position as Chief Health Officer.

I have prestigious lawyers who subscribe to my Substack who could sue him on personal grounds or stress test the limits of Emergency powers in light of mass harm.

This tells me that they agree with what happened and would rather die quietly than attempt to hold anyone to account. I would say that we are finished.

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I'd come out and state that these shenanigans have merely provided an opening for those who are like *that*. There's nothing surprising about this all, isn't it?

As to the persons you refer to, well, my best guess is that they all think they're 'with them elites', which is to say: what other confirmation would they need that they are not?

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This is a very good observation.

Although I did not watch it, tonight on Australian free-to-air tv there was apparently a show about the covid response. One of the panellists was a premier who essentially was very proud of her actions and wished she went harder at the time.

Similar to your observation, this tells me that these people are not afraid of the public at all and are absolute narcissists. Nothing will happen until the real owners tire of them.

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Jun 30Liked by epimetheus

It can be summed up as we are surrounded by cowards and the wilfully ignorant. In a certain sense I am glad for the character reveal but weep for the way in which it came to light.

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And collaborators, for sure. Lenin once called them 'useful idiots'.

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Jun 30Liked by epimetheus

Crude summary of your as usual brilliantly put together analysis and translation/emphasis - “if we don’t look, we can’t find”, the most popular get out of jail free card.

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A few of the 'knowing' locals here only swear in these contexts, you know?

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Check with the Military of your Country what their intentions are: The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:

The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".

The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.

Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.

The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.

By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.

Trump followed on by Biden. Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?

Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something.

I can't help wondering if the Elite, comprising Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.

It is what I've been saying in my substack these past 4 years, I just never had the facts to prove my theories, now I do.

Whoever you are, wherever you work, vaccinate the Elite in your sphere of influence and make your vaccinated problems theirs too but leave their Human Rubbish, who we are, alone.

The full version is in my post before this one on my free substack - read it through and confirm if my assumptions are correct, to your satisfaction:

This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed (TO 2027) and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


If nothing happens and the population numbers remain the same - there is hope yet, but if the numbers of deaths and injuries continue to occur without reason, then the damage has been done, can't be changed and the above is true - but I really, really hope not (shudder)

The Great Reset will occur and nothing can stop it now.

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I doubt that most military knows anything, because they don't want to know.

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The US Army distributed the vaccines everywhere after Trump signed the contract for the supply to the Army and Armies of the 196 WHO members, will all share a common goal in the destruction of those who volunteered to be vaccinated, so it is reasonable to expect all Armies to be in this together, because the ultimate prize for them, is the Super Soldier in their military book of fables and the vaccines and those not affected by those vaccines, is the Army's way of getting the Super soldiers they always wanted - you mark my words.

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Who might these 'super soldiers' be? Those who took the injections or those who didn't?

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Before the vaccines injection began there was a report from China that the Chinese Military had a Super Soldier made genetically and you could beat his head with an iron bar and he still operated normally and was unkillable and in the battle field he would be the command unit which would control all of the robotic machines which would wage war on the enemy - Drones, Dogs, Tanks or goodness knows what - so he could be sitting in a secure bunker or metal box and be directing everything while remaining safe - unkillable, if you like.

It was theorized that to keep up, all Armies needed to have their own Super Soldiers too and it appears that when people are vaccinated only 20% are not affected by the vaccines and continue living their lives normally and it is my thinking they would be ideal as Super Soldiers as they had already achieved the first part of the genetic transformation, by not being affected by the vaccines themselves.

Moderna created the Covid-19 virus and patented it in 2013: Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 vaccine injection, is responsible for creating it in a BioLab and patenting it in 2013 #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG.

And now moderna is building a lot of Covid factories to produce even more vaccines when there is no need for them and there is a pull away from vaccines, now that the population don't believe they work anymore.

My theory, hopefully wrong, is that the new ModRNA DNA factories are not for genetic modifications to take place, but we will have to wait and see won't we - but what I don't understand is why nobody has taken Moderna to task over their Covid-19 virus which they released probably on the orders of Bill Gates from Fort Detrick in late 2019 or why Moderna, the creator of the Covid-19 patented to them virus, are now building more genetic modification? factories and what for or why?

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Thanks for the explanation. If true, it would render the batch-associated problems quite explainable, wouldn't it?

As to the new factories, well, the EMA has just approved a modRNA-RSV-injection, and my guess is that they'll do both 'regular' injections vs. all kinds of things and more specific ones?

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