Here the Daily Pravda is still on a buzz exhorting boosters, despite the *science*,

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That is very sad, but I also recall the Austrian Health (sic) Ministry writing a letter to the Medical Association in late October, asking them to furnish doctors to spread the Gospel of St Pharma in all the country's public schools…sigh.

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"aslighting Never Gets Old"

They'd better have enough gass to gaslight or it will get cold and old!

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Same pattern here in Sweden: elders get text-messages reminding them to get their Covid-shot, and off they amble to do so.

A life-time of being conditioned to "trust the state, the state is impartial, the state safeguards your interests" isn't overturned, period.

Trying to mention that there are side-effects, that the injection isn't even properly tested and so on just brings forth a vicious defensive-ness along this line of reason: "Why must you cause dissention? If everyone just do as they should it all works out!".

As I learned doing volunteer-work for dopeheads: you can't help people against their will.

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Curiously, I've gotten one of these texts as well (and so did my wife), and we're quite far away from either risk-groups or senior citizenship.

But you're right about the dope-heads: no way of 'helping' anyone against his or her will. That requires introspection on their part.

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