
This is pure projection. It is representative of the fierce resistance by the state and public health authorities (and some citizenry?) to conceding anything they did was damaging. It is a textbook case of going on the offensive and accusing your opponents (the resistance of regime dissenters) of that which you are guilty.

They say:

"According to the virologist, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the woman’s illness and the death of the pensioner."

I say:

According to nurses and doctors, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the "stay at home, receive no-treatment until you turn blue in the face" public health policy and the death of countless pensioners.

I say:

According to public health experts, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the lockdown campaigns and myriad indices of deteriorated health and well-being in the population.

I say:

According to vaccinologists, there is a direct and clearly attributable connecton between the vaccination campaigns and myriad indices of increased mortality and vaccine injuries in the vaccinated population.

I say:

According to virologists, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the selective pressure created by population-wide vaccine rollouts and vaccine escape mutations exhibiting increased transmissibility.

I say:

According to epidemiologists, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the lockdowns or vaccination campaigns and the increased severity and incidences of other respiratory diseases affecting the popultation since spring 2022.

I say:

According to economists, there is a direct and clearly attributable connection between the lockdowns and the death of the economy, worsening unemployment, business closures, inflation, etc.

I say:

According to constitutional experts, there is direct and clearly attributable connection between the vaccine mandates and the death of basic human rights in western civilisation.

I say:

According to basic morality, there is a direct and clearly attribuable connection between the scapegoating of unvaccinated for pandemic deaths and the death of enlightenment ideals of rationality and ethical fraternity within societies.

I could go on...

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I'm with you on the 'j'accuse' part.

I doubt that the poor woman will go free. It's an indictment of the remnants of Austro-Covidistan's 'rule of law'. Pure tyranny.

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Wow, you think she will be convicted? Very sad and very troubling.

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I fear so, and if she's going to, it'll set a very dangerous precedent: who would like to work in, say, a hospital or care home during flu season if you might end up in prison for 3 years?

If the court could find her guilty and declare this a singular occurrence, it's not the rule of law; it'll be tyranny.

Can't have it both ways, but then again: the past three years beg to differ. Sigh.

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I've seen it, and perhaps I should have linked to it.

What else is there to note, other than thank you, Irena, for bringing this up?

Once 'partners' in crime and mischief, forever bound in mediocrity and abusive creativity. That'll have to do, I suppose. Sigh.

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That's how bureaucracies work. They made a crazy rule, she broke the said rule, and now she must be punished for breaking rules. It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not.

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And yet the doctors who denied the man ivermectin are innocent? So disgusting.

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A purely political case, no?

It is based on the same skeezy logic that shaking hands with someone "unclean" or "impure" soils you.

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This is simply medieval. And the “expert” too, in astrology more than virology. When I was younger I was proud of the progress society has achieved. But the scales has fallen from my eyes. How depressing.

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What if "Tina" got a case of Died Suddenly while at the Bench? ...That would be comedic!

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don't worry, the jews are pushing to nuclear war.

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the talmudic jews are doing the only thing they can do

what they are destined to do

bring about the armageddon.

let's work be ready for their destruction

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