So to sum up (your post is much better than many others on this because you always remain collected, not prone to the hyperbolic drama of US stackers):

"We all did wrong, we're all guilty, and none of us will bear any blame, and no one can make us".

That's pretty much my reading of what austrian authorities states.

Associative tangent:

It positively reeks of how nazi-industrialists and sundry were treated after 1945. Sure, some went to Landsberg and other such places for a couple of years. Then they got new names and were let back into the fold, both in business and governement. The entire Middle East hired hundreds if not thousands of old military and admin personnel, both as trainers and educators. This then enabled the german businesses to have them act as liasions when conductong sales of materiel both military and civilian - a lot of the wars and clashes during the 1950s and 1960s saw both Soviet T-34 tanks and german PzIV long with other equipment.

It had and has a chilling logic to it: skilled and loyal administrators are a necessary commodity for any governement. Punish them for following orders which were legal (or they were told were legal at the time) and you'll have trouble recruiting staff, while those skilled and gifted will flock to your opponents.

A Gordian knot of barbed wire.

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Thanks, Rikard, for your kind words--I am glad you appreciate these efforts.

As to your conclusion: it's the most succinct on-liner (incl. a quite apt comparison).

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Based on health insurance accounting data, around 2.5 million AEs have been recorded for 2021 in Germany (the number of jabs until end of 2021 is around 150 million):


This is around ten times more than the Paul-Ehrlich Institute (PEI) admits. And it is exactly what Andreas Schöfbeck claimed in February, for which he lost his job.

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The truth will come out, and when it does, I suppose it will disillusion vast swaths of the population, perhaps as much as half of them.

What happens afterwards is anyone's guess…

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In italy there are more covid sick Hospitals workers, whoever they are, than last year and they are surprised... dead brains floating around...

Then you read this https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2022/07/eu-commission-president-once-again-in-hot-water-or-at-least-should-be-over-her-opaque-dealings-with-pfizer.html


What else to add? Actual politicians, from west to east, are the worst ever. The younger the worst! Don't care if they are Reps or Dems or Idiots, they all Nazi or just prostitutes.

Don't know if you watched that squalid video from Madrid Nato meeting to present a digital Monoliths of the next agenda.... all of them deserve to die!

In a discussion here some time ago, I was writing that there is no solution until you guys understand that you must fight the System only, not this side or the other. The whole system is criminal, and who is part of it's a bloody criminal that don't even deserve a trial.

So, there is no one good from left, or bad from right or vice versa: they all are part of the System and do not deserve we forgive them.

I do not care if one of them after some time understands he was wrong about vax, he deserve same treatment as the one that don't: he was part of the System, so no discount.

Not a US only problem sory, a western one mainly or world one at most: https://consortiumnews.com/2022/07/06/the-corporatization-of-just-about-everything/

Take them all, dead or alive! As in the famous american Western movies propaganda!

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Oh, von der Leyen is as corrupt as they come. In fact, she's too corrupt for German politics (she was considered one of Ms. Merkel's hand-picked successors at some point in time), hence she was 'exported' to Brussels. This tells anyone who cares a lot, if not more than enough, about both Germany and the EU.

I agree with you: most politicians are useless, but it's important to help those few who remain 'public servants', like Senator Ron Johnson in the US.

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I didn't read the article much, scanned through it. I'm getting sick of following along this timeline with an obvious nothing but revenge remains vigilante ending leading to complete societal collapse.

Now as the bodies pile up the cabal of politically powerful doctors will seek to convert murder into a measly monetary fine paid directly to the government that will protect them? So predictable...

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I agree with you on these issues, and I'm seriously questioning the usefulness of doing these write-ups for they are…mind-boggling.

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These people will do anything for money and power, they know and accept killing others is part of the deal.

In the past we could count on a peasant revolt every so often to clean it up, but they've purposely killed off all the peasants. There is next to no one that can take care of themselves and the rest of society like the peasants did.

Now we have to rely a lot more on luck, and I'd wish you luck but I better save it for myself!

In winter I spend more time reading..

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I fear you're correct about these historical issues.

We'll see what happens next…my guess:

Will the fallout look like March or October 1848? (As regards the latter, note that the insurrectionists of Vienna lynched the Secretary of War, as told by two Austrian ‘comedians’—switch on English subtitles.)


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Spring is the time to forget about all the problems!

Dark winter here we come..

I like the reference to 1848, perhaps the start of this machine.

I was thinking, some people are posting articles about peasants now, peasants revolt and all that, but since there are no peasants it could go down as a machinists revolt.

Shut down the machines!

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Watching them squirm now. This is all the more incredible as Austria appeared to be on the brink of mandating these atrocious jabs. A mandate which came from the government surely, not doctors! This must be the end of mandates and vaxx passports! Yet, countries like Canada still are pushing jabs every 9 months. As you say about your brother-in-law and members of my own family, some still can see no wrong in any of this. Thanks for your work.

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It's mainly ass-covering and hoping that this will not fall on the Health Minister, I think.

The crux of the issue is: the federal gov't mandated this crap, but oversight is farmed out to the Medical Association--which is a private organisation, i.e., it's hard, if not impossible, to gain access to their 'guidelines' and the like.

From what I learned from my doctor-friends as well as my mother-in-law (a retired nurse of 40+ years in the Vienna General Hospital), if the Medical Association informs its members about things, the latter take this as gospel. One of my friends who's running a family practice in Vienna told me earlier this year that she phones the Medical Association to get 'guidance' before deciding on certain interventions.

The main problem isn't the layered, or staggered, responsibility/chain of command, but the intransparency that's built into this system. And this is by design, so, the buck stops somewhere, but it's hard to identify and, if it ever comes to court proceedings, to make anything stick.

I also saw the Canadian madness, but then again, other places such as Austrialia are abolishing these passports/requirements for entry. A mixed bag of things, but I suspect that the truth is becoming too big to hide for much longer.

Thank you for reading and your kind words.

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Great write-up. I guess the bureaucratic outsourcing to evade responsibility is a subtle art that has been practicing way long before the Covid-19 era.

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Hi André, thanks for your kind words!

As to the comment itself, well, it's called 'New Public Management', but it's as old as time: whenever 'the state' expands, it takes recourse to what is commonly described as 'non-state actors' (think: businesses asking for Covid Passports and ID, which they must not do for lack of legal rights to do so).

It's not vry subtle in these contexts, although most complied--both in asking for such documents as well as in showing them.

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Well, Hilary, nothing seems to change in Austria or in various other countries for the better. Vienna installs an ‚Impfstraße‘ (vaxx center) for children below the age of 5 - off-label of course. FDA and Israel (at least) have already approved the BioNTech jab for toddlers. New York‘s Mayor wants to mandate jabs for school kids from 5 upwards. These people have gone crazy. (I don’t even begin with Lauterbach, the German minister of ‚health‘…)

I don’t have the feeling that you can compare this phase with the years AFTER 1945, as Rikard has stated in another comment here. I feel that we are still in war. ‚We are writing the year 1945, shortly before the suicide of Adi H.‘ 😅😉 It will get much worse before it will be better, I fear. But that‘s the circle of life, I guess.

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