Jul 1, 2022Liked by epimetheus

This is why I gave up on legacy magazines and newspapers: 9 out of 10 reporters are ignorant, biased and partisan without even realising it. I'm perfectly fine with the writer in a (say) communist paper being openly communist and partisan/biased in that way, it's honest and it's up to me to parse the words. This betrug that most writers today confuse with impartiality is the death-knell of western journalism - I've come across such that claims writing a purely factual referat is in itself partisan. "If you're not on our side, you're on the enemy's" is a very poor attitude for any writer, yet many journalists (espeically in swedish state media where 85% vote communist/green/feminist party, confirmed by multiple polls and research over 25 years) and teachers hold to that.

And 70 000 infected per day? Rounding Austria's population to 9 000 000 and dividing that by 70 000 (using the same kind of very coarse math as the press does), we get total herd immunity after 129 days, rounded.

So taken that as truth, without lock-downs and so on, Austria would have been done with Covid last year.

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I'll reply in the inverse succession of your paragraphs:

Yep, the world would've been mostly done with this crap by now, IF we didn't do anything. I suppose that the West's enemies are laughing their asses off these days.

As to your 'infection calculus', well, maybe, but then again, there's a couple of confounders, most prominently incl. these injections and the issue of reinfections: are the latter mainly affecting overwhelmingly, if not all-but-exclusively, vaccinated people? If so, what would that entail?

As to the first paragraph, well you're right. I suppose that's the price of our allegedly 'post-political' societies. I also don't know what to say, other than, perhaps, one trusts the government and their camp followers in legacy media at one's own peril.

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Jul 1, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Only things I know about re-infections are that here, before they stopped reporting vaccinatd and unvaccinated separately, reinfections were at least 75% vaccinated or higher; that reinfections follows the same pattern as does th initial infection regarding target groups, and that repeated reinfections weakens the individual in a cumulative fashion (as does all infections I think?).

The calculus if it deserves that moniker is of course complete bupkiss, it's got zero utility other as a demonstration of how simplistic and ignorant media talks about such matters it doesn't understand, and how those that do understand are dumbed down by said media until the journalist writing the piece understand her own words.

On the other hand, general understanding let lone knowledg of mathematics and logic is so debased here nowadays that both my wife and I several times have had to help store cashiers when they try to add up discounts and wind up with say 120% discount in toto.

Because with four items, each discounted to 30%, that's 120% discount, right? Glad I never opted to become a maths' teacher - I'd be going postal on a daily basis.

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The did the same in Norway in May, I think. Same with the NRK pieces I wrote about the other day--it's all bollocks, but there's more talk in the media now, in particular about the overflowing ERs being crowded by non-Covid patients with 'internal' problems, i.e., no accidents involved.

Soon, this will all be too big and widespread to hide.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Seems the austrian health ministry and minister is now blaming the doctors for vaccinating people with the dangerous mRNA-shots.

That's something, a'right. First massive propaganda, no in-country test series of the vaccines, mandates and coercion and threats, and then a full pivot-on-the-spot blaming the doctors for followinng the orders given them by the very same politicians.

If I was an austrian medical doctor, I'd start looking for work in a different nation.

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I saw it, too, but was unable until now to weigh in earlier (farm work, guests, etc.).

It's even worse than the headlines indicate, as I explain in my post: the Health Minister now considers 'breakthrough infections' as something that you may sue the doctor who administered the shot for damages.

We're getting closer to the tipping point on this.

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Mandates slowly being dropped in NZ. Border workers are free now. But companies can still require them.. Masking still required on public transport but you can get an exemption with a simple email... More and more just ignoring it. Lot of people in hospital triple jabbed. Government now offering 4th jab to certain groups.. Flu is rampant.

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Oh my, that's certainly good news.

I've got a colleague here, halfway around the world, who's from NZ: he was unabl to visit his relatives due to these insane policies.

How bad is the flu?

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A few friends have had it. They describe it as particularly vicious.. Worse than Covid. Some people are getting one then the other.

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Speaking of hope, we had some good news here in Puerto Rico. Some students and students' parents went to court against the vaccine mandate. They lost the first round, but on appeal, a judge found that all mandates were put forth illegally because the tyrant completely circumvented the legislative process, and the health minister didn't use the right process for creating regulation. For some reason, the judge said the mandates will end at the end of July. I don't know why not immediately, but at least the decision was favorable. The tyrant says he will appeal.

A year ago, I would have been ecstatic at the win. Now I am too tired and distrustful to be anything more than cautiously relieved. I will take what I can get though.

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Too many details for me.

First off, the pendulum is swinging back and these many profiteers and grifters are sensing it will swing them. Those bastards ought to swing.

The other point is if a person becomes infected their chance of dying is much higher in handing responsibility of oneself to these fascists. Don't check in to the fascist health care system. Stay home. If one will die, far better to die at home surrounded by loved ones than alone hooked up to all manner of machines, being pumped full of experimental concoctions, in the end its morphine (so you don't scream proving everything the fascist promotes hurts).

Cut the fascists out of your lives please.

Start the process by taking your land back.

Start with a garden.

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