Sep 23Liked by epimetheus

Coup d'Covid.

Your summary makes that the unavoidable conclusion: Covid-response was (or became) an attempted coup to completely erase what little separation of powers and public oversight there is.

Possibly, Germany was Patient Zero in this.

Speculating: The reason for selecting Germany could have been that since no nation and no people are so on their toes for any inkling of fascism, if Germany does it then it simply can't be fascist.

A perverted version of "The wife of Ceasar must be above suspicion"; instead we get "Since she is the wife of Ceasar, she is above suspicion" as policy, Science and Truthiness.

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I've written about the Covid Coup several times--back in November 2021, if you can believe it.

As to Germany being 'patient' or 'ground zero' for this, well, I think what speaks against this is that Covid didn't 'just' hit Germany; but a German rapprochement with Russia (think: Nord Stream 2) would significantly weaken the US blob's grip over Europe.

At this point, I doubt that Covid, the Nord Stream bombing, and the mess in Ukraine are un-related.

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6 hrs agoLiked by epimetheus

It's a shame there's no mainstream debate about issues being related or used as cover for nefarious purposes. Up until the mid-1990s, even mainstream and regime-loyal media would regularly debate and speculate on things like how Big Biz lobbied lawmakers for favours, how media moguls in the past had fomented war to sell papers (Cuba being the most famous example), and so on.

It was regarded as common knowledge that part of the USA's actions in Vietnam and Afghanistan (both pro- and con-Taliban/Mujahedin) was to provide a steady revenue-stream for the CIA and pals via opium and heroin-trading.

But from ca 1995 to today, all those speculations, debates and even proofs just fell silent. Weird.

As for how related events are, even if they are unrelated at a planning-stage, the utilisation of them are almost always pre-planned. It's just normal wargaming: "If X does Y, what do we think happens next? How do use it to our advantage?"

It's just a shame no public leaders in the West are trained in Chess, Hnefatafel, Shogi or Go, as those all teach essential thinking-skills.

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Oh, I find it stunning that by now 'the intel community' is treated like a wellspring of 'truth™', whereas even the most casual reading of post-1945 history shows, well, otherwise.

The same is true for pro-gov't media, incl. of course state-owned media, but then again, 'private' media isn't the same since, after the liberalisation of the previously tightly-regulated mass media market around the 1990s, gov't influence actually increased due to massive amounts of advertisement funding = subsidies.

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