Climate change narrative = stupidity.

Biology, loves CO2.

And polar bears, still increasing. 🤨🤔 maybe they didn't get the memo?😉🤷‍♀️🤣😂

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I remember a lunch chat with Stefan Rahmstorf back in 2017--he (privately) told me that the 'worst-case' scenario of the then-current IPCC report were impossible. Alas, he never spoke about that publicly (to my knowledge).

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Who wants to believe that we are constantly lied to about these big issues that are presented as life and death scenarios? To get to that point takes a lot. A lot of reading, listening, thinking and courage to face the truth. Thank you for helping us with that!

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"But there must be some truth to it, otherwise, why would everyone say so?"

"But they say on TV/radio/in the paper that experts..."

"But the weather ismuch different from what it used to be, clearly the natural order has been upset!"

These are the three main responses from swedes, be they plumbers or professors of geophysics, when climate change is challenged.

Sure, my sample size is me talking to people and it's purely anecdotal, but the time-series is about 25 years long, giver or take. It's kind of hard to reach people, really, since they just shut down and either ignore you or say things like "Oh, that's too much information, I don't have the energy to take in all that even if it sounds reasonable" when you expose them to empirical data gainsaying climate sharia.

On the other hand, when 1/3 of the adult population has a reflex reaction of "Who gave you permission to do X?" where X can be something simple (like curing hides by hand or collecting water from the lake for your plants) but out of day-to-day humdrum lock-step (or goose-step), what can you really expect?

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