I think this, as with the case in England too, is about creating precedence for the use of statistical probability as evidence in courts. Once established, you can then move on to use algorithms to produce probability of guilt.

Such an ideal system of criminal justice for the prosecution and the courts (and the defenders too, since they will get state pay to defend you against the state) - just feed all the data into a computer-system the defendant cannot gainsay or gain access to the inner workings of (trademark, copyright, state security, IP, et cetera will be the excuses) and you can convict anyone for anything to your heart's content without worrying.

By the by, this was predicted in a franco-belgian comic by the name of "Authorised Happiness" (Van Hamme/Griffo, publ. Dupuis 1988) - both the public health-tyranny, the surveillance and the "justice as a function of probability".

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I suppose you read or watched 'Minority Report'?

I also think you're correct, I'd merely add that the court also heard 'evidence™' from but one side (the side that supports the prosecution), which has serious implications--nay: consequences--for the rule of law and, perhaps more so, due process.

Thanks for the reference, I'll have to look this up!

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Consider looking at Rudolph Rigger's Substack "Riggery Pokery", he has covered an ongoing case in England where a nurse is being charged with multiple murders of infants. Horrendous, but the evidence presented seems to be solely made up out of statistical analysis:


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Thanks for the link; I've been reading about this case, esp. since they've apparently stopped the enquiry…go figure...

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Has been convicted of. It is an extraordinarily unsound decision based on a woefully inadequate understanding of statistics. Completely unsafe and likely wrong.

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I'm just wondering if this vunerable cancer man was up to date with his Covid injections? Weren't people with co-morbities encouraged to stay "up to date?" Reason I mention this is because Wouter Aukema, from Netherlands, has produced an amazing dashboard of EMA's Eurovigilance case safety reporting system. What is the most reported side effect reported for all "C" jabs? Covid itself! soniaelijah.com/p/true-horrors-of-covid-vaccine-harm Her defence lawyer should look into his vaccination status.

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I know, and while I'm wary of a 'reductio ad modRNA poison juice', it is a highly pertinent issue, esp. as the cause of death doesn't seem Covid.

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I don't disagree with your deduction. Well into 2022, people entering hospital, for other reasons, falls, burns, heart attacks, after testing and were positive, then subsequently died, all had Covid as main reason on death cert. Happened to my ex m-i-l, May 2022. We know testing is not proof of anything and them trying to say her test matched his is is a joke as all they test for are bits and pieces made up in a computer, which can be found in anyone with PCR cycles at 45. Hope her appeal wins as precedent set is alarming.

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I really need to stop being surprised. But damn...

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It's why when asked, 'what's your favourite…' I always hand out second spots because the future is still unwritten.

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Then again, if this sticks, it opens up a huge can of (sand)worms that could go after the architects and builders of covid-19 itself.

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