I feel like we face a real dilemma. I am disgusted by the current ‚left‘ politics, as it becomes more and more totalitarian each day. Orwell 2.0 at its finest. This has to stop, otherwise we will end in a global nanny-regime similar to China or worse.

But - I am also disgusted by right-wing politics as it is also totalitarian. In a more ‚traditional‘ way. Maybe that’s why people tend to prefer this kind of politics at the moment as they are used to it. I don’t like the transhumanism and ‚destroy-the-west’-agenda that seems to be pushed by the left. But I don’t like the ‚back-to-the-traditional-nationalism‘ of the right, either. This could easily destroy our progress which we‘ve made regarding topics like women‘s rights, LGBTQ rights, etc.

We need balance - but I guess that this cannot be achieved within the current system. This system feeds on extremes on both sides. Therefore we will probably face a future of right-wing countries that will push their (also misanthropic) agenda (again).

The system as a whole has to - and will - change, but this will definitely take some decades or even centuries 😁.

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If the choice is pomo-leftists actively trying to murder the indigenous european peoples via mass-migration, islamisation, destruction of the family, panering to globalist corporativism under US control, licking the boot sof nations like Saudi and China, and so on - the "right" could campaign under nothing but "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" and I would still vote for them.

Because conservative, traditional right-wing parties generally have a core of "Pro Patria", and howver bad some of their ideas may seem, liberal/progressive-'rights' wise, it's magnitudes better than any thing left-of-centre. Or centre as centrists are leftists still in the closet.

And the blame for this falls solely on all the left - they have steered all of Europe in such a direction the alternative is a virtual Holocaust of us the peoples. They give us no options than obey, own nothing and be happy, freeze and starve and scrape and pay our jizya to be allowed to live, or do anything at all to stop them.

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I do totally understand you. I experience a fair share of cognitive dissonance regarding politics at the moment and I am not exactly sure how to solve this. I was never interested in politics but would nevertheless put myself in the ‚left-ish‘ box. Therefore I fell for the whole ‚right is really bad‘ narrative. And due to the whole Cov thing and the way the left parties handled the ‚crisis‘ my ideology-home is now crumbling. Which is fabulous! Ideologies are sh*it. But it‘s so hard for me to support right wing parties as they go against my believe system in a lot of topics. I am struggling. I fight with demons facing the presidential elections in Covidistan in October. I would not like to see an FPÖ member as president - but I would hate to see a left/ex-Green one there either. Again. And there is no other choice realistically speaking. It‘s a real dilemma for me. But believe me, I do see your point here, Rikard.

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I have never been loyal to a party. Ever since becoming an adult (somewhen between 16 and 20 years of age in my case), I have structured and sorted my loyalties based on this:

Familj, fränder, folk, fosterland, främling.

It doesn't alliterate in english, but would read:

Family, kin, people (volk), land (not the state, but the nation), strangers (foreigners).

So, if it is good for my family, is it good for my kin? If yes, then is it good for my people? And so on, and of course, if the issue (as I only ever deal with actual concrete stuff when making decisions - you can't eat principles) only concerns say the family level, there's no need to go lower in the hierarchy. If it is bad for my family then it's bad, period and the suggestion gets a firm no from me.

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Yakari, hold your nose, and vote against the people who got you/us into this godawful mess. They need to go.

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Oh, I will. 😁

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As I see it, EU technocrats, as well as national EUro-technocratic parties, are completely and utterly lost, with no idea what to do about the sh!t-storm coming our way. Did you see that German minister who said businesses could just stop operating for a while (during the energy crisis, that is), and then come right back, as if nothing had happened? Everyone gets poorer, and so gives up on minor luxuries (flowers, organic food, stuff from local bakeries, as opposed to supermarkets...), and businesses providing such luxuries stop operating, but don't worry, no bankruptcy needed!


Meanwhile, Russians are laughing at us, with excellent reason (А зима будет большая = And winter will be big/great):


These people need to be removed from power. That's a prerequisite for everything else. As it is, all of EU (central Europe especially) is headed for massive impoverishment, at which point, the EU will disintegrate anyway, since the only point of the EU is to ensure prosperity.

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I agree. Especially Germanys regime has to be released fast. Because when Germany‘s economy falls, the rest of the European countries do also fall.

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Balance got us here. "Compromise and moderation," mean "undecided and weak" to the left, which they exploit to push for leftward extremes anyway, just slightly more surreptitiously, thanks to their leftist media allies. But the left has been in unchecked power, again, and their true colors are showing, again: green on the outside and red in the inside, like bitter watermelons. At these extremes, they are destroying our society, which is their goal.

LGBTQ+ was designed to divide us, as it's always been around, but wasn't militant and didn't go after our kids. Rampant, unchecked immigration without integration as well, same result of harming our children; how many more of our daughters must be brutally raped and our son's beaten? The environment is of no interest to these pigs, who continue galavanting around on their jets and shutting down clean western economies and energy sources, with a blind eye to their destruction of the third world's economy necessary to accommodate all this. Why are they closing nuclear plants, the cleanest energy around?!

And, just for giggles, where has there been a reign of terror from the right? Communism AND fascism are leftward concepts, they've killed hundreds of millions. How many has the right killed?

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Word descriptive: technocratic globalist integration.

Neoliberal technocracy each word having opposing meaning is like free market capitalism as there are no free markets under capitalism!

I liked the use of the word fascist and fascism in the birthplace Italian context.

With the long lines reported in Milan just to eat free food, the people rather choosing free bread and circuses over taking care of themselves (like tending gardens to eat real food) I put a fork in that country. But who knows as there are lots of variables!

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(1) A "garden" will not provide the bulk of your calories.

(2) Few urbanites have a garden anyway. If they did, they could grow some delicious tomatoes, and as for the rest, see (1).

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This is wrong to reduce it to calories. This is propaganda, or rather, the marketing position of the seed growers and eaters.

I can grow enough food for all year on a tiny spot with good design.

Urbanites can do it, its the people densely packed on islands and cities that will have to learn to stand in line for their free portion of bug soup.

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You do realize that you're engaging in a variation on "let them learn to code," right? Sure, learning to code is a great way for a few people to make a living. There only so many jobs for computer programmers, though, and most people couldn't do it for a variety of reasons (cognitive, financial, etc.). It's the same thing with "gardening." Not that I have anything against gardeners. It's the dogma that's the problem, not the gardening itself.

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Our ancestors did this or you wouldn't be here. A combination of gardens and what we would call market gardens today. Except that I propose, based on a permaculture deign course I participated in, plus other innovations in design, and have been experimenting with the concepts for longer than a decade, all published to YouTube for verification, my actual experiences. Not only can it be done, but it is rather easy once a person begins to eat healthy food and shakes that sedentary lifestyle. Most don't know any of this, only of what the various universities, paid for shills of the fascist agribusiness cabal, have told us (propaganda, its a real word).

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Sure, our ancestors did it, but the plots weren't "tiny," plus it was backbreaking labor. It still is, for those who actually do it (e.g. in parts of Africa). Anyway, whenever I read your comments, I'm reminded of this:


She offers solid advice, too. Well, it's unlikely Mandarin will ever be of much practical use to you (you're American, right?), but Spanish and soccer might come in handy. Household sharing with unrelated adults and friend making with strange dogs, too.

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I am growing a lot of food in a tiny spot and my back hasn't broke. This is a figment of your imagination.

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What do you think the immediate future will be like food wise for those not forced into poverty?

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"I can grow enough food for all year on a tiny spot with good design."

Sure, for a suitably chosen value of "tiny." Anyway, if this were actually doable/scalable, some country somewhere (in Africa or South America, perhaps) would be doing it.

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One more thought since its in keeping with our historian author, the system was designed by a Sumerian King a long time ago. Incidentally, once he conquered the competing nations, he declared himself to be the one true god.

All the elite from there on in didn't have another creative thought in their heads instead only working to keep the system intact, to siphon the surpluses.

All the rich of the day really and truly are insane, idiots even. For a lot of reasons anyone with thinking ability can discern.

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Practically this is scalable but prevented by the fascist elite who designed the system, concentrating people into cities, to siphon off the surpluses.

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