The next step once this is implemented is the EU-state authorising private corporations of sufficient size to pay their employees in their own digital script.

Each and any political reform initiated from above in any european nation with a feudal past, since the 1500s, has been geared towards re-establishing a feudal constitutional monarchy.

To the gallows with the aristocrats!

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As to the first paragraph, sure--as long as it's a derivative of the digital euro, the ECB will like and support it (esp. as Mr. Panetta's remarks indicate that 'intermediaries' will get compensated for rendition of their 'services').

This is such a bad future, it beggars belief that this isn't talked about more widely. If my survey of German-language media is somewhat accurate, with the (partial) exception of some Swiss media outlets, there's but one sound: crickets. And it isn't even summer yet.

To the gallows with these oligarchs.

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No one gets left behind, save for those of us who don't have smartphones. (I'm sure eventually digital payments will be the only ones accepted if this scheme completely takes over.)

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Now, I'm not saying I won't think your consideration beyond the point; to the contrary, I fear you're correct, at least in terms of 'their' ambition.

I do object to that kind of future, and I'd suspect that there's a sizeable contingent of our fellow human beings who do, too. There will always be ways around this or that, esp. since it's also extra-costly to maintain that kind of surveillance to enforce compliance.

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The thing with CBDCs and any digital currency is while it allows infinite keystrokes to dictate "$$$" created, it also allows "$$$" to be wiped with a keystroke. Now everyone believes the social contracts are still in place, meaning that the powers that be, won't do that. My question (rhetorical) is exactly who or what will stop them?

In days gone by, tangible assets allowed people to simply take their assets and move to places they wished. If/When the CBDCs com into effect, well there's no where in this world that your assets cannot be wiped.

The only thing that stops this is if people say NO to 10G and get educated around the next gen of internet (IoB) which is what they need to be able to monitor, control and implement CBDCs, surveillance and tracking. So say no to Elon Musks satalite global web and telecommunications.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #getnoisy

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I have also disabled all functions of Siri long time ago.

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Thanks, will be more vigilant about it 👍

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Could you explain please what the airplane mode prevents from? From what I know the cell phone is always “visible”, even turned off, unless you take the battery out?

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It prevents reception/transmission of data from your device to the provider (and 'intelligence services'), hence 'they' know a bit less about you, what your phone does, and what you do.

That includes, specifically related to iPhone users, the option to disable manually and individually the amount of data 'Siri' transmits to Apple (it's in the 'preferences' and 'Siri' sections, which will permit you to restrict the amount of 'learning' the app is doing.

It's a small thing, but 'they' need 'our data' to control us.

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I believe the US is not far behind.

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The US is most certainly going to do the same thing.

Unless the feds are stopped.

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