"We know what the real problems are, but it is anathema, apostasy and heresy of mind and thought to even acknowledge this knowledge within ourselves, and so we insead choose to creat this effigy which we control, hidden behind a bodyguard of lies and accesible only to our caste upon the most severe and harsh penalties for transgressors and trespassers in our holy of holies."

Is what it looks like. Invent a problem so you can control it, instead of dealing with real problems outside your control.

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Projection be thy name, and virtue-signalling our profession (which, of course, incl. gaslighting, finger-pointing, and the opposite of the professed values).

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Please forgive me if I missed you mentioning it, but it seems these folks are turning the precautionary principle ("the principle that the introduction of a new product or process whose ultimate effects are disputed or unknown should be resisted.") on its head.

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Wonderful observation.

Did you ever read up on something called 'queer theory'? It is, unsurprisingly, neither 'queer' nor a 'theory'--but the MO of the postmodernist-woke mob. In terms of 'queer theory', however, its stated aim is to upset the currently-fixed categories, hence it's a call to abolish objective truth as perceived by all sides. The result is--chaos.

It's a feature, not a bug.

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I have not, thanks. But other substackers I read have mentioned the perverse-reverse definitions of "precautionary principle" being used. I've seen the same "queer theory" applied in other contexts as well.

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Postmodernist BS predominates because it serves the oligarchical structures and their future agenda. It is a vehicle for dismantling our best civilizational principles and traditions. It is very much like communism which requires destruction of all competing thought systems in order to build a “better” world. Except in this case the existing ruling structures continue ruling, enjoying all existing privileges plus new ones, while the rest of us are destined for a permanent impoverishment/enslavement, or worse. The emerging totalitarian order is there to assure permanence of the existing ruling structures no matter what they do to us. The new world order must be built on chaos, destruction, permanent threats of all sorts, scarcity and wars. In view that this reality has yet to engender a critical mass of resistance makes me less optimistic that humanity can significantly alter the current trajectory.

What do they still need to do to us for that critical mass to emerge? KOVID test proved they can manage us and they now believe they can manage us regardless why they do to us. Previous totalitarianisms were nation state based; this one is global in nature. There is nowhere to run.

The existing economic order dominated by usurious financial capitalism is rapidly approaching its end. It depends on the notion of permanent growth of compounding interests, which no physical system can support. Financial capitalism disconnected itself from real productive economy decades ago, flew on its own BS and is no longer capable of controlled landing. That is why “If we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change”. If the system is approaching destruction, then those responsible for it must get ahead of it and manage it. This is what is happening all around us.

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