These cards are fantastic. Having lived in all sorts of places in the world, including South Africa, I was stunned a few years ago when we travelled to Croatia for the first time, my neighbouring country for so many years when growing up in Austria. Dramatic coastlines, beautiful ocean and cities. Great to take a glimpse into history of that impressive country.
Wonderful postcards! I am an Istrian who grew up in Rabac which is just about an hour drive away from Abbazia. Thank you very much for sharing these.
Harr, reading this, I went back to the collection and scanned the cards from Rabac. Stay tuned…
Hi Stephan
These cards are fantastic. Having lived in all sorts of places in the world, including South Africa, I was stunned a few years ago when we travelled to Croatia for the first time, my neighbouring country for so many years when growing up in Austria. Dramatic coastlines, beautiful ocean and cities. Great to take a glimpse into history of that impressive country.
Cheers! I'm a huge fan of the area (in fact, I've written my PhD/first book about Zadar, which will soon appear in these postcard series).
A Gogomobil, last photo, white car.
Hihi, you spotted it, well done!
Wow!! Thanks for sharing ❤️
Nice collection, thank you
You're very kind, and I'm glad you like them (make sure to check out the other postcard-themed postings)!