Pharmacovigilance in the EU/EEC: 5,000+ Infants Received Covid Jabs in 2021
Although injected merely 'off-label', EudraVigilance database entries contain horrifying case files, note 23 deaths (among children ages 0-2)
Back in 2022, I saw Jessica Rose’s post about babies appearing in VAERS.
Entitled, ‘There are 25,754 adverse event reports in VAERS for babies aged 0-2 (this includes all vaccines and the COVID-19 products combined) for 2020/2021’, Dr. Rose highlighted this cold and cruel fact, beginning her piece in this fashion (my emphasis):
I just don’t know quite what to say about this. Perhaps what I would like to ask is this: who are the pediatricians and mothers of these infants and why are they injecting them with these products? These are the ‘safe’ products on the childhood vaccination regimen?
Do go ahead and read the entire piece.
I am a proud parent of two, and I can only echo Dr. Rose’s question. Our children are perfectly healthy, they both ‘tested positive’ for Covid once (and never showed many, if any, ‘symptoms’ (other than a dislike for chocolate for a week or so, if you can believe it), and I will never consent to have them ‘injected’ with these modRNA poison/death juices. In fact, our kids haven’t had a cold throughout 2020 and a couple of days of runny noses in 2021; they never wear face-diapers, and they are out and about a lot.
The weirdest part of this posting is—I originally penned it in early 2022, which is why the below paragraph is here (we know so much, much ‘more’ today in early 2025 compared to three years ago):
All the data coming out—see and here, here, and here for starters, courtesy of Robert W. Malone, MD who provides reviews and commentary, as well as a plethora of links, as well as this brief statement by him—shows that the absolutely last thing any parent (person) should do is to coerce those for whom we are responsible to take part in the single-largest socio-political and medical experiment ever conducted by humankind.
Perhaps this—Covid-19-the-social-construct is our Promethean moment, and we shall continue to suffer for our hubris.
Returning to Jessica Rose’s post, my first reaction was that sinking feeling in my stomach, quickly followed by gargantuan amounts of sadness. (I’m listening to Mozart’s Requiem as I type this, but I went to bed listening to Brahms’ German Requiem, of which the—in my opinion most wonderful, if saddening, version is this one conducted by Sergiu Celibidache).
Now, what else could I do?
I went to the EU/EEC pharmacovigilance database, EudraVigilance, looked for comparable reports, and here’s what I’ve found.
Sidenote: much like VAERS in the US context, EudraVigilance is a clumsy tool to use; while I encourage everyone to check the data, be advised that this takes some time as the Covid-19 jabs are listed separately. That link above will take you to a long list, hence I recommend using your browser’s ‘search’ function to quickly locate the four ‘Covid-19’ products.
EudraVigilance: 5,423 AEs (!) in Babies (!!) in 2021 (!!!)
A few definitions before we get going: data is available for the period from 1 Jan. through 31 Dec. 2021; ‘babies’ refers to children under two years, which the EudraVigilance database breaks down into new-born (0-1 month) and toddlers (2 months to 2 years); AE = adverse events.
Moderna: 0-1 month = 50; 2mo-2y = 101; total: 151 reports; no. of AE: 390
Pfizer: 0-1 month = 190; 2mo-2y: 394; total: 584 reports; no. of AE: 2,882
AstraZeneca: 0-1 month = 241; 2mo-2y: 308; total: 549 reports; no. of AE: 2,110
J&J: 0-1 month = 4; 2mo-2y: 11; total: 15 reports; no. of AE: 41
In summary, 485 new-born children (0-1 month) plus 747 toddlers (2 months to 2 years) = 1,232 babies who are collectively subject to 5,423 adverse events of all kinds, severity, etc.
These break down as follows (a selection):
Exposure via breast milk: 359 (48 > Moderna; 241 > Pfizer; 62 > AZ; 8 > J&J)
Pyrexia: 331 (33 > Moderna; 131 > Pfizer; 164 > AZ; 3 > J&S)
Headache: 270 (16 > Moderna; 65 > Pfizer; 189 > AZ)
Fatigue: 186 (16 > Moderna; 64 > Pfizer; 106 > AZ)
Chills: 153 (5 > Moderna; 25 > Pfizer; 123 > AZ)
Myalgia: 99 (7 > Moderna; 28 > Pfizer; 63 > AZ; 1 > J&J)
Influenza, i.-like illness: 94 (5 > Moderna; 20 > Pfizer; AZ > 69)
Injection site complications*: 91 (21 > Moderna; 30 > Pfizer; 39 > AZ; 1 > J&J)
Vomiting: 86 (17 > Moderna; 33 > Pfizer; 35 > AZ; 1 > J&J)
Diarrhoea: 85 (15 > Moderna; 50 > Pfizer; 20 > AZ)
Cardiac complications**: 77 (32 > Moderna; 41 > AZ; 4 > J&J)
Rash: 70 (9 > Moderna; 36 > Pfizer; 22 > AZ; 3 > J&J)
Crying: 46 (7 > Moderna; 23 > Pfizer; 16 > AZ)
Abdominal distension, pain: 45 (4 > Moderna; 21 > Pfizer; 20 > AZ)
Lymphadenopathy, lymph node pain: 31 (2 > Moderna; 20 > Pfizer; 9 > AZ)
Death: 23 (2 > Moderna; 16 > Pfizer; 5 > AZ)
Exposure during pregnancy***: 22 (3 > Moderna; 17 > Pfizer; 1 > AZ; 1 > J&J)
Erythema: 14 (1 > Moderna; 6 > Pfizer; 6 > ZA; 1 > J&J)
Anaphylactic reaction: 8 (1 > Moderna; 5 > Pfizer; 2 > AZ)
Heavy menstrual, vaginal bleeding: 8 (3 > Pfizer; 5 > AZ)
Haematozechia: 3 > Moderna; 3 > Pfizer; 1 > AZ;
Paralysis: 2 (> AZ)
Erectile dysfunction: 1 (Pfizer)
Genital herpes: 1 (AZ)
* incl. pain, rash, reaction, swelling, inflammation, erythema, warmth, pruritus
** incl. chest disorder and pain, capillary disorder, circulatory collapse, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, hypertension and hypotension, pericarditis, tachycardia
*** incl. foetal growth restrictions (4 > Pfizer), foetal heart rate disorder (1 > Pfizer), and foetal hypokinesia (2 > Pfizer, one of which ended fatally)
A Brief Note about Confounders (URF)
Now, I’ve obviously seen
’s summary post on the under-reporting factor, or URF, as well as ’s computations. Both were made for VAERS, i.e., the US-based system and not for the EudraVigilance database.Still, like in the context of VAERS, underreporting is a known confounding issue, in particular with adverse events in children. I have looked around, perhaps not long enough, but I haven’t found anything like the numbers suggested by Kirsch or Rose. If you, dear reader, do know anything about this, please let me know.
If you’d like to obtain the four Excel files I used, please drop me a line via email and I’ll gladly share them.
Please let me know if you spot any errors and the like, either via email or in the comments below.
Bottom Lines: What’s in a Word or Two?
At the end of this post, I’d like to invite you to ponder the following: historically speaking, I don’t know of any society that ever opted for a similar course of action. Yes, the Old Testament and pre-Columbian American civilisations made use (sic) of human sacrifices, incl. children, as do many other, comparable scriptures, but these horrific acts are carried out to placate vengeful god(s).
Who, one may therefore ask, are we today trying to placate?
I find it super-weird, to say nothing of objectionable on moral grounds as well as on principle, that adults are ‘asking’ children to engage in prophylactic gene therapy to ‘protect’…well, who, exactly, are they supposedly protecting?
Note, though, that in their most recent Q-10 filings with the SEC, Moderna no longer calls its modRNA technology ‘gene therapy’.
Instead, they follow the FDA’s newspeak now and these kinds of technologies are now labelled ‘breakthrough therapy’, which is
a process designed to expedite the development and review of drugs that are intended to treat a serious condition and preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the drug may demonstrate substantial improvement over available therapy on a clinically significant endpoint(s).
I read this as a thinly veiled admission (threat) that from now on, whatever ‘clinically significant endpoint(s)’ means—we’ll discuss this in tomorrow’s posting—will be used instead of ‘regular’ multi-year clinical trials.
It’s as if guided by an invisible hand, certain people—whom I hold to be co-responsible, if not accessories, of the Covid-19 scam—had this to say about changing these procedures:
Funny that, eh?
So, in closing, please consider this enduring truth (Matthew 25:40):
And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’
It also applies to yesterday’s posting in particular: