Mental Illness Showcase: Thomas Mayer
If you wondered whether the Covid-induced insanity is receding, well, think again--if the Branch Covidians were only as self-aware as Alcoholics Anonymous, we might be able to turn this around
Just a few lines as I’m in a bit of a hurry: I saw this amazingly candid X/Twitter posting by renowned MSM ‘journo™’, NATO fanboy, and vaxx diehard fanboy Thomas Mayer. He, of course, ‘works™’ for the infamous Zero Covid rag-masquerading-as-newspaper Der Standard.
Thomas Mayer: ‘This is the case with with: since 2021, I took five shots [of the Covid modRNA injections], and I got infected or sick three times. Now, it’s a light brush of disease thanks to a corresponding immune response, i.e., this is almost ideotypical, as described by the virologist Streeck, which flies in the face of stupid anti-vaxxers and Covid deniers.’
ButterDog: ‘Don’t let anyone tell you anything else, you’re doing this the right way: two jabs per year and getting sick once a year means that the immune system is well-prepared for the following year.’
I’m pretty certain ButterDog’s reply is satire (but who knows these days), and I, sadly, cannot provide ‘more’ evidence of Mr. Mayer’s mental and cognitive decay as I’ve been blocked by him for some time now (my ‘offence’ was to reply to stupid things he said). The other day I saw him posting a picture of six ‘positive™’ lateral flow tests (why he keeps doing this, I don’t know).
At this point, I think the one thing that might help all the Branch Covidian may be AA-style meetings, but then again, it would appear that some alcoholics are way more self-aware of their issues than people like Thomas Mayer.
Don’t be like Thomas Mayer.
Have a nice day.
These people are like Hiroo Onoda, fighting WWII 30 years after the war ended. They will not stop until their 'covid commander' to come and 'relieve them of their duties.' I imagine the 'commanders' are astonished at how well the propaganda worked on some people. I still see articles about 'those who are isolating, 4 years after covid.'
“The other day I saw him posting a picture of six ‘positive™’ lateral flow tests (why he keeps doing this, I don’t know).”
I guess because the religious instinct and the need for ritual behaviour in humans can’t be snuffed out. Welcome to the new cult… the poor man can’t help himself. If he doesn’t post these pictures then the truly faithful will be angry and the new gods will punish him.
Whether it’s the Covid cult, the Trans cult or whatever… the sacrifices have to be made to appease the gods and stir the faithful.