German MSM on Trans Surgery Gone Awry: 15 Surgeries in 3 Months, Result = Genital Mutilation
Whatever you thought about 'gender affirming care', it's all way, way worse as these reports about a 25 year-old castrated and mutilated trans person show: spare a thought, save a prayer
This is all so sad; translation mine, as are the bottom lines.
After Gender Reassignment Surgery: He Wanted to be a Full Man—Now He’s Mutilated
Marlon Stiller decides to have a penoid reconstruction to finalise his transition. But then everything goes wrong.
Via Heute, 5 Sept. 2024 [source]
In her early 20s, she realises that she doesn’t feel comfortable in her female body. She felt more like a man—and came out as transsexual. Step by step, the path to a new, male life begins—as Marlon Stiller. After hormone treatment [what an Orwellian description: this means massive doses of synthetic hormones] and a change of first name and civil status, Marlon from Mönchengladbach (Germany) also wants to take the final big step and undergo gender reassignment surgery. He [sic] has his breasts removed, as well as his uterus and ovaries. Two years later, the last big step: the former woman’s penoid and testicles are to be surgically reshaped. To do this, skin and tissue are removed from other parts of the body.
All genital surgeries harbour a very high risk of post-operative complications and unsatisfactory results [the understatement of the year, I suppose]. Not to mention the numerous trips to the doctor, the often lengthy hospital stays, and the months required for healing and recovery.
The first shock comes after the first operation: a thrombosis forms in the penoid, which interrupted the blood supply. Emergency surgery is required. This was followed by a serious infection with a hospital germ that spread to Marlon’s genital area. ‘These bacteria eat away at the tissue—anything that is infected can no longer be saved’, Marlon explains to RTL. The bladder is also affected. Time and again, tissue has to be removed in additional surgeries, it is flushed and treated with antibiotics and painkillers.
15 Surgeries in 3 Months
Marlon had no less than 15 operations within 3 months. As a result of the many operations, the new genital Marlon once dreamed of is history. His genital area is now just scar tissue. It’s so bad that he can’t even urinate for six months. In another operation, a urethra is built for him so that at least that works.
30,660 Euros for a New Life
Now he needs further corrective operations to restore his genital area—as far as possible. Several clinics with statutory health insurance turned him away, but he was lucky: a private clinic would take on the task. The only problem is the cost: 65,280 euros. Marlon’s health insurance covers 34,619 euros, but he has to raise the remaining 30,660 euros. He has set up a donation page for this purpose. 6,266 euros have been received so far.
Intermission: ‘Doing Journalism™’
Of course this is awful, but it’s also a textbook example of how piss-poor journalism has become; moreover, the cheap agit-prop that seeks, I think, to normalise this kind of butchery as ‘medicine’ or ‘gender-affirming care’ is nothing but—pure evil.
To be fair, Heute at least referenced the apparent primary ‘source’ (but didn’t link to it), which I have looked up and translated for you below.
‘I thought I was going to die in hospital’: Trans Man Marlon (25) is Genitally Mutilated After Surgery [sic]
By Larissa Königs, RTL, 2 Sept. 2024 [source]
‘I went through hell once.’ That’s what Marlon says in an interview with RTL. After undergoing gender reassignment surgery, he [sic] experiences catastrophic side effects. When asked to recall this time, he says: ‘I was still alive and yet I smelled like I was decomposing.’
Due to countless anaesthetics [more drugs], he also suffers from severe side effects: ‘I had difficulties talking for a long time, articulating myself properly. I had severe problems concentrating. I became totally insecure in my everyday life and slipped into care level four.’ [Pflegestufe 4 is the second-highest disability category under German law; it relates to ‘very severe impairments with respect to independent agency’]. He does find a solution to his daily suffering—but he can’t afford it. He is now asking for donations on GoFundMe so that he can lead a normal life again [consider this: a young woman wishes to undergo ‘sex reassignment surgery’ on her own volition (although the influence of synthetic hormones and all other drugs may need to be taken into account), doesn’t like the results of the experimental ‘gender-affirming care’, and now asks the public to help (now) him out].
Marlon Wanted to ‘feel complete’
Marlon, who grew up in a predominantly conservative environment, first encountered the topic of trans identity at the age of 18 [the above-linked Instagram profile cites 1998 as year of birth, i.e., when she/he was 18, that’s 2016]. ‘I always had the feeling that something wasn’t right, but I couldn't put it into words’, he says. He came out as a trans man in his early 20s [i.e., around the time Covid hit].
He had his first name and civil status changed and began opposite-sex hormone treatment under medical supervision. The first physical changes, such as the disappearance of his female figure and his voice breaking, gave him the feeling that he has finally arrived in his own body [I don’t know what to make of this; I’ve read such ‘positive’ boilerplate ‘reporting™’ in other, comparable pieces, such as the story of this Norwegian trans person].
After having his bust size reduced over a long period of time, he finally decides to have surgery to create a masculine upper body (mastectomy) and to remove his uterus (hysterectomy), and ovaries (adnectomy).
‘And then I took a very long time, over two years, to see what else was an option for me,’ says Marlon. ‘Every trans person decides individually when the journey is over [but the rest of society is supposedly required to affirm everyone based on this ultimate expression of individualism (hedonism)], but for me, a penoid was the logical next step to feel complete.’ A penoid is the closest possible biological replica of a penis.
[Here follows a link to Marlon’s Instagram account]
[Oh, look—it’s cover dates from 2 July 2023, and Marlon’s story as recounted here is, sadly, current events.]
Sex Reassignment Surgery is Risky
There are various methods of penoid formation in Germany. The two most common in Germany are
Radial flap surgery, in which tissue from the forearm is used.
Anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap surgery, in which tissue is taken from the thigh.
However, Marlon faces a particular challenge: due to a genetic nerve disorder, which can be unpredictably affected by any anaesthetic and especially by a long lying time, he is looking for a method that is less stressful for his body. After many preliminary discussions at various clinics, he opted for a less common combination method that utilised a large part of his back muscle.
‘The surgeon promised that the typical risks of complications would be significantly lower’, Marlon recalls. In addition, the overall hospitalisation time should be shorter. Marlon put all his trust in the plastic surgeon and had the operation at a small hospital in Cologne [that would be, likely, the private Pan Klinik, as per the above-referenced Instagram profile].
No-one could have guessed how badly he would be affected in the end [well, following the WPATH disclosure, that’s untrue; that said, the surgeons should have told Marlon, but we don’t know how ‘informed’ the ‘consent’ was…].
‘I watched my body disintegrate’
Shortly after the operation, Marlon develops a thrombosis in his penoid. A blood clot blocks the blood supply. The newly formed genitalia had to be opened in an emergency operation. In the following weeks, attempts are made to reconstruct the structure, but in the meantime Marlon develops a severe Pseudomonas infection. This is a hospital germ that is resistant to most antibiotics.
It spreads to Marlon’s intimate area. ‘These bacteria eat away at the tissue—anything that is infected can no longer be saved’, explains Marlon.
In addition to his genital area, his bladder is also affected. For weeks, parts of his flesh were repeatedly cut out, he was given various drains, strong antibiotics, and painkillers such as fentanyl [!!!], which he still needs [!!!] to this day.
‘I was in the ICU for over two weeks and really thought I wouldn’t get out of there alive.’ The genitalia that triggered the whole thing has been lost. However, now the focus is less on saving Marlon’s life and more on stabilising his condition.
Over the course of three months, he underwent 15 surgeries, each lasting four to twelve hours. For almost nine weeks, Marlon is only allowed to lie down, not take a single step and is isolated from the outside world. His life was like a nightmare. ‘I watched my body disintegrate. That was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me. Nobody could have prepared me for this.’ [but your f****** surgeons butchers should have told you]
Genitally Mutilated After Surgery, but Marlon Won’t Give Up
Marlon can finally be stabilised. But his genital area is covered in scar tissue. So bad that he can’t even urinate for six months. ‘It has to be said so clearly: I am genitally mutilated. I have nothing left but scars,’ says Marlon.
But Marlon doesn’t give up. In December last year, some of the scars were corrected and a fistula (an artificial urethral opening) was created. After more than six months, Marlon can finally take off his catheter and urinate again via the extension of the urethra.
Health Insurance Company and Court Decide: Marlon’s Case is Not ‘urgent’ Enough
But he is still far from well. His condition remains serious. He hopes for another surgery to alleviate his suffering. But because his genital area is so badly damaged, he is turned down by several clinics with health insurance [welcome to mostly socialised medical care in Germany, by the way]. Where he would stand a chance, he would have to wait at least two years for surgery.
Marlon finally finds a private clinic that is prepared for his case and wants to operate on him—but there is a big problem. The health insurance company will only cover just under half of the 65,000 euros. Marlon would have to pay 30,000 euros out of his own pocket. Money that neither he, his partner, nor his family have.
Why doesn’t the health insurance company pay?, RTL asks. A spokesperson for the TKK, where Marlon is insured, emphasises: ‘It’s clear that he needs corrective surgery. We have already approved the largest possible subsidy at our discretion.’ This is because statutory health insurance only pays for such operations in authorised hospitals—the private clinic is not one of them [trans grifters of the world, unite].
We would like to point out that the waiting time for a surgery at authorised hospitals is several years. At the same time, Marlon files an urgent application with the social court. But they say his case is not urgent enough.
‘The clinics decide independently on the urgency of the treatment and operation based on the current state of health/findings. The court also sees…no particular urgency. This is also confirmed by the waiting times of the contract clinics inquired about’, says the TKK [this poor soul ‘needs’ fentanyl to cope with all of that; what’s the amount/time until one’s a hopeless addict? Go ahead and read up on all that can/will go wrong with fentanyl; that Wikipedia page doesn’t mention the term ‘interaction’ with a whole slew of other drugs Marlon’s presumably taking]
How You Can Help Marlon
Marlon is resigned to the decision: ‘Unfortunately, this is the reality for many people with serious illnesses and special needs. Our system is not made for that. Humanity is not the deciding factor.’
He hopes that he will be able to pay for part of the surgery through the fundraising campaign on GoFundMe. Although less than a tenth of the required amount has been donated so far and the surgery is due to take place in the next few days, Marlon is not giving up. ‘I will do everything I can to make this appointment. Because I want to have a life again. I just want to be normal.’
Bottom Lines
This is so sad, it’s almost incomprehensible.
That said, esp. in light of esp. the additional gory details in the second article, let’s not forget that since all these ‘sex reassignment surgeries’ are, in effect, experimental, I’m certain Marlon signed a voluminous ‘informed consent’ form, or waiver.
I’m unsure if she/he was 100% aware of all the crap that could (and has) gone wrong, but I do know that taking synthetic sex hormones often leads to euphoria and the like, which may have contributed to Marlon downplaying, or ignoring, certain warnings.
I’ve written two long pieces about the trans phenomenon recently, both focussing on stuff that’s happened in Norway. The most crucial aspect in both contexts is—what’s curiously missing from the above piece by RTL: the social circles that ‘accompanied’ (groomed) Marlon into the trans death cult.
It’s also telling that neither of the two pieces cited above speak about this; both use very anodyne language to obscure what’s going on: the chemical and medical castration of young people.
I’ve read quite a few of such reports over the years, but few were as graphic about the dire consequences of ‘gender-affirming care™’.
What’s also omitted is the question of ultimate liability for this savage act of butchery well beyond what I think may only be called malpractice and quackery.
This is a form of human sacrifice that boggles the mind.
Let’s hope these ‘stories’ inspire more resistance.
I’ll also hope that Marlon—whoever she/he is—finds a modicum of peace.
At the end the patient suffers and Big Pharma earns more money no matter what happens. They always get their patients.
I'd thumbs-up but you failed to point-out the origin of this sickness, look-up the "Institut für Sexualwissenschaften" in 1930s Berlin and maybe you'll thank me.