Are you a Nazi? Stern 'Journo' Stephan Maus is Happy to Help you find out…
Talk about specks and beams, brother…
Translation, emphases, and bottom lines mine. Enjoy, if you will.
Fasch-O-Mat: How to recognise a Nazi
Op-ed by Stephan Maus, Stern, 19 Jan. 2024 [source]
Today's right-wing extremists disguise themselves in bourgeois garb [WTF?]. The stern ‘Fasch-O-Mat’ helps you to unmask fascist ideology.
Nazis no longer walk around in bomber jackets and combat boots—at least not as often as they used to. Today's Nazis wear tweed and dachshund ties and present themselves as educated and cultured. They no longer fantasise about deportations in mouldy cellars [no gas chambers here, eh? Careful now, Mr. Maus, for Germany has quite stringent laws on ‘Holocaust Denial], but hold conferences on the subject of ‘remigration’ with entrepreneurs in magnificent villas. However, they still mean the same thing [what is that ‘thing’ you allude to?]. But this is not always immediately obvious. So how can we still recognise real Nazis today? We have put together a catalogue to help you, our ‘Fasch-O-Mat’ [a play-of-words on ‘Wahl-O-Mat’, i.e., an online questionnaire about election choices]. If you recognise three of the following statements [that’s a low bar, let’s see how I fare…], you are probably dealing with a genuine fascist.
stern’s Fasch-O-Mat
Every person belongs to a very special race and carries its special character traits. [isn’t this what the woke morons proclaim?]
Different races are worth different amounts. The whiter, the more valuable. [huhum, are we talking monetary equivalents or value-judgements?]
Society is not a structure of constantly renegotiated forms of coexistence, but a whole that has grown over thousands of years and needs to be preserved. [better ask the CCP about this, then, shall we?]
Society is not simply the sum of its members, but an organically grown body in which each part has its own particular function. And this is not up for negotiation. [see the preceding bullet point]
Nations are not simply artificial entities held together by laws, but grown bodies inhabited by the soul of a people. [see the two preceding bullet points]
Every nation expresses the very special spirit of a territory, a race and a history. [see the three preceding bullet points; this is getting boring]
Culture is never just a free play of forms, but always a characteristic expression of a very special nation and a very special ethnic group. [so ‘nation’ and ‘ethnicity’ are two different aspects now?]
Nations have a typical character that is expressed in a very special culture. This national culture must be kept pure. [what a confusing statement]
The mixing of cultures is not an enrichment, but a dilution. Multiculturalism means disintegration. [sure, Hitler saw it that way, but then again, ask the CCP about this]
Social hierarchies are not the result of constant negotiation, but a given. Shut up and join in! [how does one spell ‘meritocracy’ in woke-ish?]
Every member of a society has their natural place: father, mother, child. General, captain, soldier. [remember: nature has something to do with evolution]
A person's gender is natural and can never be the result of a self-determined choice. Genders were clearly defined by Mother Nature and Papa Wotan. Mixed forms are decadent. [careful there, beware of the irony of the proclaimed ability to be ‘transgender’ but not ‘transracial’; note, further, that ‘sex’ has been abolished in the interim]
Language is never just an arbitrary sequence of signs whose sole function is to enable communication. Rather, language is the perfect expression of a national character. That is why it must be kept pure. [this is way too stupid; this person—who, according to his own webpage studied literature, languages, and communication studies—must have come across the fact that alphabets exist, that we don’t know who (as in: single individuals) put them together, and are quite certainly not ‘just an arbitrary sequence of signs’; note, by the way, the inconvenient fact that the alphabet we use here derives from the Phoenicians, which isn’t a compilation of ‘signs’ but of sounds (sigh)]
Strength is a value in itself. Society must therefore promote the strong and weed out the weak. This may sometimes seem a little cruel, but it is better for everyone in the long run. Believe us! [no worries, evolution will dispose of the unfit; notice the incoherence vs. the ‘gender’ bullet point: ‘gender’ ≠ sex, but it’s apparently changeable (i.e., man trumps nature) while here, we learn that the milieu juste wishes to correct nature—is it possible to have it both ways?]
A country is a homogeneous whole that must be sealed off from the outside world. Otherwise its very special national culture will be watered down. [having run out of nonsense BS, we’re back to the ‘nation’ and ‘homogeneity’ trope]
Traditions are not randomly thrown together customs, sweeping week, April Fool's Day, Dinner for One. They are a sublime expression of the very special character of a particular nation. [or, according to both left-wingers Benedict Anderson (Imagined Communities) and Eric Hobsbawm (w/Terence Ranger, The Invention of Tradition] manufactured by bourgeois elites to be applied/propagandised ‘nation-wide’]
A vanguard of strong personalities must bring the effeminate Western nations closer to their hidden national soul and lead them to their natural destiny and greatness. [I honestly don’t know where this nugget of wisdom comes from (other than Lenin’s musings compiled after the failed 1905 Bolshevik Revolution; note, moreover, that Hitler wrote at-length about the wisdom he gleaned from studying Marxism-Leninism (which he called ‘Bolshevism’)]
A nation is a community of destiny, welded together by an unchanging culture. [never mind defining any terms, eh?]
Modern democracies are ruled by degenerate elites who have nothing else in mind but to dilute the original culture and composition of a society and to work on the decline of what are actually great nations. [change my mind, Davos Man]
Today, there is a harmful cult of the weak and diverse. This must be countered by a policy of strength and purity. [heard that one before]
Liberal Western governments are puppets of hidden powers. [read up on, e.g., The Creature from Jekyll Island, if you’d please, or even The Power Elite will do]
Parliaments are nothing but silly nonsense [orig. alberne Quatschbuden]. We need clear statements from strong leaders. And quickly.
Society is a homogeneous whole that is governed by the will of the people. No one other than us knows this will of the people. All other opinions are treason. [ah, I was wondering how long it would take before the woke projection—gnosis—will be invoked]
The history of a nation determines its identity. When the honourable Germanic leader Kunibald, the limping one, was run over by a carriage on a dark November day and had to die in agony in the mud, it is clear that these silly cargo bikes mean nothing but the downfall of our nation. [again, sigh]
Other cultures are somehow okay too—as long as they stay somewhere else. We certainly don't want them in our country. We have our own culture. And it simply suits us better. [ever tried talking to a Chinese person about that aspect?]
International elites have formed an alliance to replace the white western majority population with non-whites through targeted immigration. [bruahahahaaha, and now read the UN Report on ‘Replacement Migration’]
The victorious powers of the Second World War want to keep the German people down by bringing about molecular civil wars in the urban centres through over-foreignisation. [nope, it’s far simpler: power and control]
The freedom of the individual and the free development of the personality are sick ideas of a decadent modern age. Remember: ‘You are nothing, your people are everything!’ [don’t you conflate these two things, for the former is one of ‘the West’s’ main accomplishments while the latter is the bad apple deriving from Maoist identity politics]
Those members of the autochthonous population who refuse to accept well-dosed cruelty against marginalised groups for the good of the nation are nothing but weaklings and must be excluded from society. Remigrate or eliminate! [I’ll have more for you to read on the topic of ‘immigration’ soon]
Immigration policy is a top-down dilution of the native population and in the long term means nothing other than the death of the people. [see the the UN Report on ‘Replacement Migration’]
Democratic Western nations are victims of destructive and corrosive forces and, deep down, long for a charismatic figure who will heal all the wounds among the people, overcome national divisions and set things right. Thank you, my leader! [this is extremely stupid; when Max Weber, in his essay ‘Politics as Vocation’, came up with a sociological ideal type of ‘charismatic leadership’, he placed it next to two other ideal types, ‘legal’ and ‘traditional’; he furthermore pondered the future of advanced Western society as one of ‘mechanised ossification’ (orig. mechanisierte Versteinerung), which he conceived of as the almost logical consequence of industrialism, mass politics, and the administrative/institutional state (rule by bureaucracy]
The multi-party system is incapable of solving problems efficiently. It must be overcome and replaced by strong state institutions. [that was never its intention]
Mixing different ethnic groups leads to the weakening of each individual ethnic group and is a sign of decadence. [sigh, again?]
Unfortunately, you are no longer allowed to say anything in Western opinion dictatorships these days. Not even that you want to abolish these decadent democracies. That's why you have to hide your true views well and only occasionally let what you really want shine through: abolish democracy, deport minorities, build a pure-blooded society. You have to formulate these goals in such a way that everyone knows what you mean, but nobody can prove that you are doing anything illegal at the moment [does this qualify as ‘conjecture’ or is this already ‘thought crime’?]. Those who want to listen will listen. [according to current polling data, approx. 50% of Germans are afraid to voice their opinions freely because of…’politicians and journalists’, as the NZZ reported, among others, and that in the best Germany of all time]
We need a broad, seemingly harmless movement that gives our authoritarian goals a democratic veneer. But in the back rooms we must always keep in touch with radical, brave groups who are prepared to back up our words with deeds. Violence is unattractive, but necessary to bring about a state that will finally fill us with pride again. [you mean, like the left-woke gov’t that resorts to Antifa mobs to beat protesters or journalists, if needed?]
Not every life is worth protecting. Just look at these weaklings! What are they good for? [no-one is safe, until everyone is safe]
Bottom Lines
That was painful, eh? I do apologise for this nonsense, but, at the same time, I hope my commentary was…’helpful’. (/sarcasm)
Who wrote that nonsense? Well, I gave you the author’s name (Stephan Maus), and note that he’s a staff writer for stern. He also runs his own website, and there’s nothing I could say now that couldn’t be expressed better than by the magnificent mind behind these lines:

Remember that the picture is kinda upside-down, but once you rotate your screen by 180 degrees (or 360 degrees in Annalena Baerbock’s world), it’s even more fitting.
Also, what’s your score?
Most people do not wish to be labeled Nazi, Anti-Semite,..., and so you devise a list of beliefs most people would not share and than carefully mix in enough widely held beliefs so that people associate them with Nazis, Anti-Semites,..., whatever. Crude, but unfortunately, an effective manipulation for large numbers of people unaware that their minds are under relentless attack.
So this Müllraum-kopf, has he (?) applied his list to what palestinian arabs and jews say about Israel, Palestine and themselves and each other?